
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

How could I even begin to think it? So stupid.
Set at 06:21 on September 07, 2009

Vampire Rave member for 16 years.

Status:  Ophidian (66.76)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Mentorship Pupil of Mooncall Ketu.
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

Naples, FL

Bite StarSuicide

Stalk StarSuicide


Go on be your own star, a simple star in my eyes, look in my eyes.

My Coven...

Very proud to belong to Mooncall Ketu :)

About a Star...

Hey, the name's Katy, but please call me Star (I've been used to being called that by my online friends, generally only IRL friends and close online friends call me Katy). I'm a college student going into my third year, but I'm nowhere near done (I'm going for a doctorate). I'm majoring in English, but just because I'm majoring in English does not mean I use correct grammar all the time. Most of the time I will check it but online I don't care that much. I'm 20 and single, and I'm happy to be single, I just want to have fun right now, no relationship to pull me down. I live in Naples, FL aka old people central, hot as hell. I go to Florida Gulf Coast University, which is in Fort Myers/Estero, FL so I have a nice long drive to and from (which I both loathe and enjoy). I work at Jason's Deli (which you can find all over the country, to find a place near you check out jasonsonline.com) as an order taker and I love my job and the people I work with, just wish I got more hours and higher pay. I've dyed my hair too many times to count and have tried every natural color but brown and blonde (though I plan on trying blonde and my hair is naturally a very dark brown, almost black) and I've also tried bright red, hot pink, coppery red (and almost every other shade of red out there), and purple.

Star likes...

Faeries first and formost
Stars, obviously
The colors purple and pink
Anything sparkley, glittery, or shiney
Root beer (preferably diet)
Taking and editing pictures
Writing poetry and stories (though I'm a little rusty with both)
Reading (books and manga)
Playing video games (yes I'm a gamer chick, deal with it)
Suicide Girls (omg, amazing and, yes, I'm bisexual)
Tattoos and Piercings (Recently got my first tattoo [pics at the bottom of the page] and I'm consdering more but haven't planned anything out yet and I currently have 4 piercings in each ear for a total of 8 and I'm planning to get my nose pierced soon)
Horror movies
The occult and supernatural

Star's favorite books...
(yes, I've read them all and loved every minute of them and would recomend all of them, grouped my author name)

Stephenie Meyer:
Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, The Host

Jean M. Auel:
Clan of the Cave Bear, The Valley of the Horses, The Mammoth Hunters, The Plains of Passage, The Shelters of Stone

V. C. Andrews:
Flowers in the Attic, Petals in the Wind, If There Be Thorns, Seeds of Yesterday, Garden of Shadows, Heaven (I plan on continuing this series and trying to read all of her books, they're so amazing)

Kim Harrison:
Dead Witch Walking, The Good, the Bad, and the Undead, Every Which Way But Dead, A Fistful of Charms, For a Few Demons More, The Outlaw Demon Wails (currently reading the newest in The Hallows series, which include all the above books, White Witch, Black Curse, I also plan on reading all her other books because I'm sure they're amazing)

J. R. R. Tolkein:
The Hobbit

J. K. Rowling:

Harry Potter (not listing all of them, you should just know them)

Karen Marie Moning:

The Highlander series (supernatural historical romance, very fascinating, set in Scotland)
The Fever series (so far consists of Darkfever, Faefever, and Bloodfever, they have faeries, vampires, druids, and a few other fascinating things, set in Ireland)

Star's favorite anime/manga...

If you want to find manga online without having to download it go to my 3rd website, they have almost anything there. I read most my manga on there.

Fruits Basket
Princess Ai
Absolute Boyfriend (though I cried at the end :( )
Tsubasa: The Reservour Chronicles
Rurouni Kenshin
Full Metal Alchemist
Love Hina
Sailor Moon
Midnight Secretary (vampire manga, though it's ages 18+, I added it to the database if you want a description)

Star's favorite movies...

Ever After, A Knight's Tale, Stardust, Enchanted, Lord of the Rings (all of them), Twilight

Star's favorite video games...

Final Fantasy (I've only played X, X-2, and XI (the online version), but I want to play them all!), DDR (I've played many of them but only own Extreme), Kingdom Hearts (I'm still on the first one, haven't reached the end, don't spoil it for me!), Lord of the Rings (only played them in two player with my ex, I need to get them all and play them myself), Prince of Persia (wow, need to play this game again, too awesome, never got through it all but I need to), Tales of Symphonia (made me cry :'( ), World of Warcraft, Super Smash Bros, Mario (you know, the classics)

Star's favorite people...

Amy Brown, Amy Lee, Marilyn Monroe, Betty Paige, Davey Havok, Adam Lambert (yea, I watch American Idol, and I basically fell in love with him, I do realize he's gay, it's his personality, so awesome, and his voice, he's amazing)

Star doesn't like...

Liars, cheaters, backstabbers, spiders, insects, knives, the economy, broken promises, people who can't keep their word yet say stuff anyway, being sick, being alone long periods of time

Star listens to...

Blue October, Evanescence, Seether, H.I.M., Mudvayne, Paramore, Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Cradle of Filth, Green Day, Good Charlotte, Avril Lavigne, New Found Glory, Three Days Grace, Stone Temple Pilots, Linkin Park, Joan Jett, Billy Idol, Motley Crue, Duran Duran, The Beatles, Pussycat Dolls, Rihanna, T Pain, Ludacris, Missy Elliot (basically, I listen to everything and I'm always open to new stuff)

Star's protectors...






Things that you might like to know...

Feel free to message me, I love making new friends :) Just know that hitting on me is like auto block, don't do it please. I like friends, not stalkers :P
I do not respond to comments or bites, just messages. I get too many comments and bites, sorry.
I don't rate people very often, I'd feel too bad to rate someone low even if they deserve it and it's pointless to just go around rating everyone a 10, in my opinion. So, if you do rate me, thank you, just understand I may not rate you back. If I do rate you, despite how I feel bad about rating someone low, if I truly think you deserve it, I will rate you lower than a 10. I try not to be rude, but if you deserve it I'm not going to be a pushover rater.
I don't mind if you add me to your friends but if you expect to be on my friends, you should definitely talk to me or I won't even consider it. The only people I have on my friends are people I talk to on here, my IRL friends, and all of my fellow coven members because my coven is very close and wonderful, how could I not add them all?
If you're wondering about anything I've said or done on here, ask me. I may not answer you, but it doesn't hurt. I'm not a mean person in any way. Funny thing was in high school my nickname was fat bitch; I admit I'm over weight, but I am nothing like a bitch. I tend to be very friendly and agreeable. When you get on my bad side, however, I am an uber bitch, so don't piss me off, ok?
Want updates on me more than what this profile tells? Check my journal, I try updating as often as I can. I love comments so if you have something to say, feel free to comment an entry.
Don't like me? I don't care, messaging me will be a waste of both of our time, just go get a life and leave me content with mine, I don't need your drama.
I'm often updating my profile, it's never truly done in my opinion, so feel free to stop by again if you're interested.

My mentor...

Member Since: Aug 07, 2007
Last Login: Mar 17, 2010
Times Viewed: 6,841

Times Rated:582

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