Luciferian Witchcraft Handbook

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Luciferian Witchcraft
A Modern Approach to a Medieval Magickal Art

Micheal Ford

An Introduction

“By the oath of Belial and Saturn, the awakening of hidden light
The lifting of flesh through dream and chant
I call upon thee, Asmodeus, devil lord of the winds of forests and caves
Speak upon the web of dreams,
I invoke thee within my very essence, by serpent and wolf
By fire and earth, ice and snow, desert and heat
Pass beyond the veil little known by most,
For I am a child of this flesh!
I offer now my dedication of my own Will to the powers of night,
And of the Great Work itself!
That through my dedication to the path of Witch blood,
I shall know the secrets not so hidden!”

Many understand the essence of Witchcraft as in relation to nature and general folk craft. While the folk magic brought from Europe flourished in the form of Wicca, mainly due to Gerald Gardner’s (1886-1964) extensive writings and Coven expansion. The system regarded Magic as a natural process, and to build knowledge from the earth, from which is powers reside. Many grasped this ideology well, given aid no doubt to the nature conscious fever of the 1960’s. It is considered that humanity has destroyed eno ugh of its natural resources to begin the long process of re-building from the industrial revolution. Witchcraft offered a sister/brotherhood of individuals seeking the love of nature and folk magic, from which many in Europe in our current time are seeking yet again.

“Witchcraft is the direct descendent of ancient shamanic cultures and practices, which has flourished with humanity since the beginning of time. The essence of witchcraft is of two basic aspects, being the discovery of the self and the unity with nature, and the mastery of sorcery and a balance of both dayside and darkside practices.”

The Sethanic Witchcraft current has been cultivated in Europe through those who hold the key to the gnosis within their minds; it seems to speak through the blood. This unspoken aspect of the traditio n of the old is known directly as Witchblood, it is a silent, unspoken yet natural degree of the folk ability to practice Magick. This is the inner magickal voice of Angels and Demons, the very core essence within each initiate that speaks to he/she of their own infinite potential. While the direction of those involved in the Luciferian Tradition in America are well aware of its context of approach, the defining state of consciousness must be adhered to.

The union of some aspects of Middle Eastern practices such as Sufism and the various parallel witch ways of tribes of the Deserts are essential productive and beneficial for the advancement in human thinking. There is much to be learnt from other cultures, however the heart of such always emanates within a focus of folk magic or witchcraft.

The Order of Phosphorus is founded upon the techniques taught through the lore of Luciferian Witchcraft, the lore and legend of the old transferred into magickal technique. The common history of the gnosis is labeled Sethian as it was indeed Lucifer/Seth and Azazel who brought the Black Flame to humanity, enabled it to rise above the mongoloid putty of our ancestors and become something beautiful. Witchcraft was a natural tool, taught by Luciferic angels known as the Watchers, and their Cain – inspired brethren known as the Nephilim. This is the lore of the Nightside, from which legend becomes desire which takes flesh.

The Shadow – World of the Magickian is shrouded in arcane wisdom and infernal teachings, all the while embracing the light of the Morning Star and the Sun rising within. The actual practice of Magick demands patience and the Will to continue, for the many challenges of such a path are meant to weed the strong from the weak. What should be considered in some aspects is the fact that we as humans have developed over thousands of years, still regaining in the depths of our mind the great Serpents that dwelled, the wolves that devoured their prey and the pulse of nature in general. We a re of nature, thus a great bond should be developed therein.

The Luciferian current in America is generally hidden from public site, allowing those who work through such circles to build the Magickal Art through practice and discipline. Those who enter the gates of Witchcraft will automatically view the very Gate of the Left Hand Path. Very few will enter this infernal tread, as it brings one to the ultimate personal power of self-deification. Many are not able to understand this state of being, the ascent to become God or Goddess, thus either failing and losing their mind in the Sabbatic Circles of Time or renouncing to a much kinder garden path.

The Luciferian Witchcraft tradition of the Order of Phosphorus respects ALL paths that lead to human advancement and knowledge, including those of the white light persuasion. We consider that eve ry individual has the right to believe and practice what he or she Wills, unless it harms another unjustifiably. The Order of Phosphorus is against Bigotry and Racism, considering such as the filth of non-human advancement.

The Order of Phosphorus as a whole considers itself as a manifestation of Lucifer itself, those who join are literally “Doing the Devils Work” by bettering themselves. Thought dictates advancement by positive practice of Magick and Sorcery. One’s own darkside must be explored in areas not normally embraced by occult orders. The Qlippoth as described in Michael Ford’s “The Book of the Witch Moon” is a demonic astral region, beneficial to those who dive the mirror of Lilith and become stronger. Through the diving of darkness one shall embrace the light.

The symbol of the Devil within Luciferia n Witchcraft is symbolic of transformation within each individual, which appears at first glance, dark and foreboding yet essentially allows a great light of wisdom and power to be revealed. This is the Black Flame, the knowledge of self-consciousness and the process of becoming something greater.

The Devil is essentially, humanity’s darkside, the very essence of infernal teachings that reveal Man and Woman as holding their own infinite potential. The light of knowledge which depicts Good and Evil is a great wisdom few may handle responsibly, it allows one to create and destroy.

The Devil is defined as the personification of Evil, or the inverse ideology of whatever moralistic system is popular at the time. The word devil derives from the Greek Diabolos, which originally meant accuser. The word Demon is derived from Daimon, meaning a guardia n spirit. A demon in modern context (according to TOPH) is a spirit or intelligence which can be related to ones Evil Genius, or hidden self, or the Holy Guardian Angel, which is a perfected manifestation of the self in anthropomorphic form.

The Devil would not lead us to death and fire, but to life, creation, pleasure, ecstasy and wisdom.

Lucifer has been described within a Sabbatic context before, specifically as the husband of Diana from the legend originating from Italian folklore. Lucifer (the Sun) was the husband of Diana (the Moon); the two were joined in a great union of opposites. It is the development of the individual towards a partial solitary path which opens each aspect of initiation towards the advancement of the human spirit. This means positive evolution, discipline, understanding and mental strength is the building blocks o f understanding.
Lucifer is thus the high symbol of Sethian Witchcraft.

The Witches Sabbath has long been a misunderstood and often misrepresented expression of Magickal Art. It should be considered that the Sethian Witch Cult is an expression of not only Folk Magic and Lore, but that of a modern synthesis of advanced ideals of sorcery, psychology and psychic development. The Witches Sabbath has long been held in arcane lore as the dream – meeting of the Astrals and Spirits of Magickal Practitioners of the Craft, those who between the Twillight of Dawn and Dusk dive the dream waking environment and meet as spirits and other forms to gather under the Black Sun, or under the arms of Luna, awaiting the embrace of Lilith and Hecate, the Queens of the Sabbath.

It is through the Luciferian Circles that the Watchers and Fallen Angels brought to us the gift of what is called Witchblood, the Black Flame of Awakening that offered an awakening of senses. Each angel still exists in spirit form upon the earth, allowing a linage to emerge from different areas of psychic and physical development.

The essence of Witchcraft should be explored within its dream – based roots, the touch of Sethanic initiation. As the Angels brought us the lore of the wise in the early times, so we must continue to change and progress such ideas into new ways and techniques. Sorcery is efficient as a manner of implicating your immediate surroundings. This involves the specific use of Lesser and Greater Black Magick in of its aspects – healing, cursing, astral projection, love spells and more are essential yet undefined in their approach of performance. This alone is up to the witch wh o develops his/her system based on personal and individual preference.
The works of Austin Osman Spare (1886-1956) was an artist who talents of draftsmanship allowed direct expression of his developed gnosis of sorcery. Spare’s early drawings were founded on the belief of exploring the self, known as the Zos and Kia. Austin’s system of exploring the self by delving the depths of the mind is best described by his art alone. The writings of Spare, while being confusing and cryptic, were very poetic and strong. Yet, in the face of his art were under matched, quite simply, the man was a genius!

Spare developed an arcane letter system called “The alphabet of desire” which contained the structure for contact with the subconscious. This aspect of Black Magick, allowed the individual to tap the latent powers of the mind a nd make such work for him or her. The letter itself should be developed by each individual initiate for his/her own Alphabet of Desire, this is where the connection and development of Luciferian Witchcraft emerges.

Witchcraft itself, was silently expanded upon by Spare in his later years. It is known that he had many dream experiences which allowed him to attend the Witches Sabbath, as well as communicate with many of the attendants. Zos vel Thanatos (aka Austin Spare) created numerous glyphs and sigils based on the astral conclave, even writing texts which included a full invocation of the Sabbath. Such art and writings no doubt influenced the magickal stream of initiation within many individuals later on, as well as announcing the formation of the technical term called “Chaos Magick” in the 70’s.

Wisdom is the point of conscious understanding that is essential for the practice and life work of the craft of the wise. One may find considerable study in the four elements as described by Robert Cochrane of the Clan of Tubal Cain. As is within all Luciferian traditions, the significance of individual study and obtainment of knowledge is paramount.
The answers to all things, according to Robert Cochrane. Are in the Air – inspiration which is brought on the winds shall give the gift of answers to the many questions you may seek. The trees will bring power and the Sea will bring patience, for as Cochrane wrote, the Sea is the womb which contains the memory of all things.

You essentially will be brought to listen to the elements, observe and learn. The one who brings the mind in tune with his or her surroundings is better adapted to work Magick and achieve the gnosis of which he/she seeks after. This is primarily an individual process and involves a large amount of personal dedication. The results or treasure of the work is rewarded to those who essentially step through the veil of waking into dreaming and emerge upon the hill of the Sabbat, encompassing the circle of the Witchblood whom have offered unto Asmodeus, the waking lord of the Sabbath.

The Order of Phosphorus, being a Luciferian group focused on solitary, ceremonial and individual growth through one discovering his/her own foundation of magickal practice recognizes the importance of the Sethian Witchcraft lineage that is present within some of its initiates. It is very much like a call of the blood, it whispers on the webs of dreams from which you are slowly lifted up to the Stag, naked and awake through the eyes of Lilith and Asmodeus. The Awakening and Dedication chant (performed by candlelight. If outdoors, cast your circle in flour.)

"By the rights of pleasure may flesh procreate from within. Mother of the Sabbath, Lilith I awaken to the mysteries of our craft. I dedicate my being to the path from which my blood dictates. By the mysteries of the Goat and the Serpent I come to thee. I walk now the Sabbatic Path, reborn under the Luciferic Shadows and Promethean Light! Cain, wanderer of the desert dawn, embrace now my way which is our way, that thy mysteries are revealed through dedication!

Shaitan – Asmodeus – Belial – Lilith – Hecate Eko, Eko Lucifer!"

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Luciferian Witchcraft
The Mystery Revealed

There is a path which reveals the manes of the dead,
There is a path from which the wise seek the light,
And from the darkness nourish their shades in the dream.
This path is born of the Goddess of the Caves, from which the serpents slither
This path is born of the Blacksmith who forges the illuminated light of Azazel
And speaks through the blood of his kin, this is forever a path of fence walking,
From which one shall be revealed the great mysteries, spoken in the wind.
This is forever a path from which Lilith emerges in the fire of the Sabbat;
And Lucifer emerges as the Sun.
Through the art of Sorcery shall the winding path be shown,
Through the art of Magick shall we all be elevated towards the light.

The Luciferian Witchcraft tradition in relation to one particular group of individuals announces a specific development of the Cunning Craft and darker, more hidden elements of the Left Hand Path. Coven Nachttoter has announced the formation of The Order of Phosphorus, a Luciferian group based on a wide variety of traditions which allow the individual a multitude of choices to develop his/her will to its fullest potential.

The foundation of TOPH and Coven Nachttoter is Luciferian Magick, and the Luciferic Witchcraft tradition developed by the Coven. Taken from elements of Gardnerian and medieval witchcraft, influences of Thelemic Magick, Austin Osman Spare, Chaos Sorcery and other avenues, TOPH intend to move magickal initiation into new areas of Science and Folklore. This is the primary tool of the Order, working with PHI Brainwave pa tterns to control one’s own initiation into the mysteries.

Systems are very important to the order, and its works. While some may find interest in the witchcraft tradition developed within TOPH, some may find especial interest in the Medieval Black Magick systems worked with through the group. Finding a strength and beauty in the Left Hand Path allows a balanced and positive ascent into the high mysteries of the Goddess and God forms from which flows our inherent myth.

Much of the doctrine of The Order of Phosphorus flows directly from the grimoire The Book of the Witch Moon, which unites the Luciferian Witchcraft with the dark and shadow elements of sorcery and magick. Written by Michael Ford, the Book of the Witch Moon is a dangerous tome of Black Magick that offers a direct gnosis for the individual, while considering they are of stable mind. Another avenue of doctrine if you will is based on Luciferian Magick, which is the modeling of spirit by that of the Opposer, the bringer of light.

The Sabbatic mysteries as they are essential separated into two specific areas of workings. The Right side of the Path is the Magickal path that is the Holy aspects of one’s personal development. He/She will seek to expand consciousness and gain the attainment of his/her Holy Guardian Angel, the True Will or direction of life in which you shall journey. This is also the path of healing, of perfecting the self in any way you can and to begin a strong foundation in Luciferian Magick (Astral Projection and development of the psyche). The Right Hand Path seeks to align the individual with the flowing stream of nature, to align the self with the avenue of God or the creative force itself. This form may be defined or named as Lucifer, as the eldest angel of the creative source who has journeyed through both paths. The Left side of the path is that of Sorcery/Witchcraft and the mysteries of Astral Vampirism. This is the area of which the individual who seek the control of the self and the exte rior through sorcery and Goetic Black Magick, more properly, the Left Hand Path. The LHP is defined as a system that is relative, and realistic towards the inner or deep desire within humans to be free, independent and strong. To seek knowledge, wisdom and areas of personal growth and betterment is the great desire of humanity itself. This is why essentially the Left Hand Path is the foundation for human advancement, as it teaches us to become like Lucifer or Lilith itself, independent, knowledge seeking and self-deified. The Black Magickian often called Witch or Warlock are the individuals who taste from the chalice of the serpent, the wisdom of Asmodeus.

The universe seeks for all to flow according to its way, from which we work through in order to ultimately emerge through the Left Hand Path.

The two paths are essentially united consciou sly, from which each individual will be able to unite the Microcosm with the Macrocosm, the Angelic and the Demonic, the shadow and the light, all opposites in union. This is the work of the Beast 666 and Babalon conjoined.

The very beginnings of Witchcraft hold much lore and legend as any other religion or socio-formulated belief pattern. In the beginning within the great darkness, Diana (Lilith the Moon) joined with Lucifer (the Sun) and produced the daughter and goddess Aradia, or by some suggestion Hecate. The Watchers led by Azazel, after Lucifer fell from the heavens joined with man’s daughters and produced the Nephilim. The Watchers then taught man and woman the art of sorcery, and what is now called witchcraft.

Asmodeus, also called Samael joined in union with Lilith to bear the son Tubal-Cain. Cain was a carrier and the first in the circle of Witchblood, initiated by birth and whose memory of the Watchers and the Nephilim was strong.

The legends of the Watchers and Nephilim move on to describe the great flood, which killed many of them. While their bodies died, their spirits did not, and certain spirits of the Watchers still walk the earth inspiring the lore of the wise, from the shadows of the dead.

This lore exists within our minds and holds strength within our minds eye. The initiate into the shadows of the Sabbatic path understands the darkness and light within he/she, how to master it and use the insight to improve his or her life. The Luciferian path is one of knowledge and must be held with an open mind. Different paths teach many different things, and should be understood as such.

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The Beholders of Night
An Exploration of the Shadow Luciferian Path

That the roots of Traditional Witchcraft as they have emerged passes beyond western culture as a cornerstone of middle-eastern origins, while reemerging in Europe to America as time moved forward. What should be understood as a universal approach to Witchcraft, shall the answer lie between the shadow and light, the essence between. The path of the Wise is existent between what is seen and not seen, the very connection a clue to what the potential of the individual can be. Luciferian Witchcraft is the very result of sorcery which emerged in ancient cultures and times. The Luciferic linage is traced back to the Fallen Angels of ancient lore, whom tasted from the shadow garden and the pleasures of both the spirit and flesh. That the Watchers and fallen ones, led by Azazel – Lucifer, called later Iblis, understood the immortality of the psyche is between the path of the not-seen, the shadow and darkness which cultivates the Black Flame itself.

The Witchcraft tradition was explored in essence by the practitioners of Yatuk Dinoih, or Persian Witchcraft of which emerged from the sorcerous shadow-god Ahriman, the darkness which would create flesh. Ahriman is a pitch-black representative of the hidden and the secret, from which the profane should not see. Ahriman and its female counterpart, AZ, are the early fountainheads of the Gnosis of the Sabbat or Al-Zabbat, the freedom from the trappings of flesh and the awakening of the Nightside Consciousness. This is the Primal Gnosis of Sorcery itself, which is the dark well of the elixir of the Adept, the one who drinks of the dual ecstasies of the Sun and the Moon. The Arcanum of the Luciferian Path is a resounding voice of the King and Queen of Witchblood, being Samael and Lilith. The key to the gnosis of the fallen angels is within their very essence, being of the Sun and the Moon. The sorcerer may seek the sexual union of both within his or her self, allowing the pleasure of the waking and waning Moon to be brought forth through the Sun, which is the gateway for demons and angels in copulation. If one seeks not the sexual genii, the antinomian path is brought forth by a solitary and capable mind, which is beheld by the Set hian Psyche, or Kingdom of Shadows.

The Luciferian Essence is found within the eyes of Cain, the father of Witchblood, buried deep within the dark well of the watchers, from which our mind is of the deep. Leviathan the serpent guards this gateway of the arcana of sleep, from which the twilight brings the Nightside of the Immortal, those who pass the veil of the Birth Caul of Lilith through the Essence of the Adversary. The Birth Caul itself is a vampyric reference to folklore of Europe. Called specifically, the amniotic membrane, which is a birth caul which almost guarantees in European Folk Lore that one will return from the dead, is the mark of the vampyric aspect of Lilith, the death-mask of awakening towards the Nightside. The Caul itself as described by Adrien Cremene gave the following account, published in Vampires, Burial and Death by Paul Barber-
“Such an infant is born to a woman who has drunk of impure water mixed with the saliva of a demon, or to a woman who, having gone out in the night, her head bare, met a demon which gave her a red cap (coiffe) like his own, which cap causes the child to be born with a caul”.

In an initiatory context which implies the connection of folklore with inspired magical practice, the Caul introduced in Ritual practice (by a blood coloured cloth, stained with menstrual blood or otherwise) is the Mark of Lilith and Cain, born unto the night within the mysteries of Vampyrism. The heart of the arcana is in the brain itself, it is our connection and desire to unite the Hand and the Eye in the Grimoire of the Fallen, which was long ago scribed in the blood of our spiritual ancestors, those who walk the Ahrimanic Path long ago, when the deserts whispered the timeless name of Azazel, called our father and Lilith, the very womb of our birth and initiation.

I) The Left Hand Path
That the Luciferian Tradition is awakening from European Traditional Craft is nothing new, the emergence of the work in America leads to a Left Hand Path approach to the path of the wise.

Considering much of the Witchcraft tradition is a conglomeration of various magical traditions, the term Witchcraft is as universal as its language.

In the past, Witchcraft and Wicca was originally intended to be a shadow unto light way of living, from which the essence of the self is propagated in one’s own Will, Desire and Belief. As time moved forward, a watered down version of the craft from which was passed down from Hermetic Occultism and other Pagan practices, brought much of the public essence of Witchcraft to be a watered-down, sometimes spiritually impotent off shoot of Christianity, which seemed to plague much of all Western culture.

In our primal selves, the forgotten areas deep within the mind, from which Christianity could not pervert, Leviathan guarded the gateway, and soon Lilith and Samael again emerged from the Light of Azazel, called Lucifer, the Bringer of Light. That the challenge of the initiate to the Adept is the very self, that the Dark Wells of the Watchers were guarded by our own demons and angels, and that we must unite the worlds to create the ecstasy of the self. The Left Hand Path itself is the path of disunion from the natural order or Objective Universe.

Witches are considered wise unto their very name, which indicates and objective view of their own surroundings and life. Life is a great gift, even more so is the gift of freedom. Freedom is the chance to progress and develop one’s own life in accordance to desire. A responsible and free individual stands at the gateway of possibility, from which limits are only placed by one’s mind. To align one’s own self with the natural order is to dissolve the essence, from which the consciousness would be devoured by the mind numbing devourer called Christianity, or the Right Hand Path. This is the very silk masked murdered of the self, which would caress us into the arms of the scorpion, which would destroy all of which we are to sacrifice the mind to the Void of Non-being.

The Left Hand Path is the strengthening of the mind, and the possibility of one becoming as a separate being, not in order with the natural universe, that he or she is uniquely different. This is the path of Lucifer and Lilith, those who stand within the dark wells and have illuminated the Black Flame of self-acknowledgement and the joys of the waking and dreaming worlds.

The Left Hand Path tests the individual, uniting the Demonic with the Angelic, and the balance between the two. It also frees one of the needs for a spiritual father or mother, and to confirm responsibility and self-reliance by the individual themselves. That this is sometimes a lonely path is not a misstatement, but rather an angle of beauty of which we may seek comprehension of therein. What is often misunderstood is the intent of the Left Hand Path. Many view the LHP as one in line with Christian Satanism or Diabolism, which is an inaccurate view of the path itself. The LHP is the freedom from such restrictive thoughts as Good or Evil, or the moral right of the day. The individual must seek to transcend both, and that the image of Evil or Darkness, is the Opposition essence of ourselves, our secret essence or Holy Guardian Angel/Evil Genius of being.

The Black Flame itself is the concept of the Gift of Seth, of Lucifer. The Black Flame is the awakened consciousness or Psyche of the individual, whom has torn down the Right Hand Path concept of Trust and Dissolution in a Tyrant Father who demands faith. The Black Flame is the immortal essence of the self, the True Will as which emerged from the fountains of the wells of darkness. The Black Flame is the Light which Brings the Watchers close to us, th at we may drink of their cups of ecstasies, the skulls and the secrets they contain therein.

The Black Flame itself is illuminated through the work of the Left Hand Path, through the development of one’s own self-divinity, through our Famulus and Servitors, the Guardians and Angels of our Temple, the Arcana of Self as revealed in essence. Each individual is a model of Lucifer, whom is the imagination, or self. That we must shadow forth the Adversary to rebel against the natural order, to awaken the Black Flame of Self-Knowledge. We are thus Iblis, the Children of the Fire Djinn whom shall taste from the skulls of the sleeping.

II) The Adversary
“Oh moon nourished haunters of dreams, who have tasted the souls’ blood of life, From the graves of Corpse-sleep from which ye emerge, from the pools of blood beneath the fountains of red sea, that emerge from the dreaming sleep of Azrail, Move now through the manes of the dead, they seek the commune of those in the warm flesh of the living. My shadow, as I build, calls forth the famulus whose spirit is the Djinn of the Noon tide sun, the fire of spirit later withdrawn in midnight honor. Moon hungering shade of the tomb, I summon thee! From beneath the city of Chorazin have your rested, yet though I go forth to the city of shadows, I embrace the darkness within and beyond!”

The Essence of Perpetual Revolution, or rebellion from the natural order, is the very concept of the Opposer. To oppose one must seek to free the self from the limits set within society’s context and rules. This is not an advocating of crime, but rather to work within still societies rules, mastering it all along. The True Will is the essence of the Adversary, which seeks to break free from the accepted order, an often unfertile result of the Dayside World of the Humanistic fellowship, which in time, leads to a stasis of being. It is in the solitude of the Shadow can then the essence be revealed, to present the endless possibility of becoming.

The Adversary is called and known by many names and titles. Among them are such as Shaitan, Iblis, Satan, Lucifer and Set. Such God Forms are masks of the Prince of Darkness who=2 0within ourselves offers freedom and divinity for those willing to strive for it. The Adversary itself is the gateway from which we discover our own Will, or direction of endless possibility of desire. This is the very conscious gift of the Artist Austin Osman Spare, whom of Witch Blood, gave us the gift of self liberation in the form of the grimoire “The Book of Pleasure”. That we may translate the system of the Hand and the Eye, within our personal universe form this Luciferian Doctrine to our own desire of becoming shall be the greatest distinction from the order of the Right Hand Path.

The Adversary exists within the 8 pointed Sabbat Star of Chaos, called often ALGOL. The very essence of Chaos is disruption and the opening of possibility, that we may destroy that which hinders ourselves and thus creating a new form of Order. Order exists until the self grows into stasis, thus Chaos then grows into a positive self-liberation process. The Opposer/Adversary thus holds the Black Flame of Being within Chaos, that we are both the Red and Black Dragon, the Sun and the Moon respectively.

Evolution itself is possible when the mind reaches back to the Primal Well of Darkness, which holds the secrets of our origins and Luciferic Divinity, from then Liberation is an available process of the Divine Gift.

III) Saturn, The Watchers and Luciferian Spirits
The Saturnian Mysteries is only one avenue of magical exploration which may be explored within a Sabbatic context, not to, by any means, destroy an ongoing tradition but rather develop it. Through such excellent magical focuses, from the Fraturnitias Saturni to the work of Stephen Edred Flowers, which at face point is unrelated, the Sabbatic Gnosis itself is closely related by means of effective initiatory material. The Luciferian Path itself is reflective of this gnosis, known by the essence of exploration and self-discovery through the Saturnian Sphere.

The work of Saturn itself is one connected with the Left Hand Path. As the Saturn Sphere is connected with Demiurge Saturnus, the self is the avenue of which this planetary influence is found. Saturn, as being held in two Octaves or “rays”, is itself a means of psychic isolation from which th e psyche is refined to a deified level.

The Watchers, or Fallen Angels of Ancient Lore are the guardians of the path of the wise. Such Angels dwell within the shadow gardens of twilight, of dreams and the nightside of being. We must listen closely, for their wisdom is that of the gifts of Lucifer and Lilith, that through the Adversary can such beautiful musick be heard!

The Watchers, as brought forth by Shemyaza/Azazel, is the divine gift brought down from the sky unto man, whom was a primal sleeper which carried the bestial desires of the planet. The Fallen Angels thus brought divinity with the Abyssic daemon of self, that we were divine in our Dual Essence.

It is through the self-alchemical work of Saturn, that one emerges awakened in unity. Saturn is the Guardian of Death, or Daath or the Guardian of the Threshold. In Saturn there is a Lower and Higher Octave, which is a passage way of selfexploration and self-perception. In the lower octave is Satan or Satanus/Saturnus, the Guardian of the depths and the Daemonum of the Earth.

Saturnus is the breaker of cosmic order, the essence of ALGOL or the Adversary, as well as death and regeneration. The Demiurge Saturnus is related to the number 666, being that of Sorath, or the Sun. Satanas is this aspect is one form of the Adversary, being rebellion, death and Chaos from Stasis. The very fire force of the Sun is in the Eye of Satanas/Saturnus, Misrule and self-liberation through Antinomianian awakening of Saturn.

The Higher octave of Saturn is Lucifer, being Light, Wisdom and illumination. Lucifer/Iblis is the Imagination thus Azazel, the fallen Djinn of fire. Lucifer represents also rebirth, inner strength, reason and solitude.

In the unity of Saturn are both the Star of Algol hidden (without the Averse Pentagram) and the mark of Demiurge Saturnus. It is through Satan/Iblis (fire) that one emerges in Light, thus Lucifer is the Black Flame in the darkness, the light in the darkness. It was in medieval times that Saturn itself was the outermost planet, holding the secrets of self – transformation, death and the darkness of the soul. The workings of Saturn are focused within darkness, and the possibility therein. The self-alchemical process of moving through the sphere of Saturn is relative to darkness in that the initiate moves through the chthonic realms of the Earth (Satanas or Mephistopheles), or the Demonium of the Earth, from which one then rises through the higher octaves of Saturn (Lucifer). Within a Sabbatic sense, the Arcanum of Lucifer=2 0is presented in the dual essence of self-liberation, isolation and transformation. Just as Lucifer/Azazel fell from the sphere of light to the darkness of the earth, shall a new knowledge be gained in the exploration of the chthonic realms of the psyche. From tasting and knowing the darkness shall the light be controlled and mastered unto the self.

One of the specific focuses of the Sabbatic Path is one rising to acknowledge that the only God is the self, from which all other God and Goddess find their existence in, it is from the well spring of the abyss (the subconscious) that we nourish our Great Famulus and Demonium of the Depths. The individual will then soon realize that there is no God and there is no Devil, yet we as the image of the Adversary, are both God and the Master of the Devil, the gifts of the fallen angels themselves.

IV) The Dragon and Vampyrism
“I come before you, night born as the Queen of the Dead. Behold unto my death mask, the Temple of Azothoz as a current of the living flame. I shall bless each one of you with the devil’s sight, the serpents tongue shall speak of the secret alphabet which ye all shall scribe on the walls of the Sunless Palace, scribe your name in the black book of the dead, with the witchblood of your veins, you are all my children, of Lilith-Hecate, your father is Ahriman, Lord of Pha ntoms and Darkness.

The Dragon itself holds a significant role within the darker and self-liberating aspects of the Sabbatic Path, being specifically an evocation of latent forms from which we become. Considering the Dragon itself is a model or form of the Adversary, the symbolism of the Red and Black Dragon are present.

The Red Dragon itself is Shaitan or Samael, the dual aspects of self-liberation and transformation. As the Red Dragon is a mirror or exteriorized (viewed as a form outside the self) form of the primal self, the Dragon is also a form of ourselves developed and initiated into the Luciferian Mysteries. The Dragon itself as the Adversary is viewed in the initiatory context as both Shaitan and Lilith, the Beholders of Night.
The Dragon itself is considered the center point of the Sabbatic Arcanum, the initiatory path of the serpent, which coils and encircles the spirit or psyche of the individual.
‘Arimanius frowned, the author foul of Evil, how with Shades from his dire mansion, he deformed the works of Oromazes, turned to noxious heat the solar beam, that foodful earth might parch’

The Black Dragon is symbolized as Ahriman, the adverse force of darkness and shadow. Ahriman in Zoroastrian terms is the great force of Evil and Darkness, whom was created divine but chose the shadow path. In the Ancient Persian reli gion of Zoroastrianism, Ahriman (called also Arimanius or Angra Mainya) is one of the earliest forms of the devil itself, the father of those of the shadow, the demonium of the earth.

In the ancient witchcraft religion, Persian Sorcerers used blood of wolves (who are sacred to Ahriman) to call upon darkness. Ahriman was probably in this sense, one of the first Vampyre forms of ancient history. While similar to other fallen angels such as Azazel/Iblis or Lucifer, there is a strong separation of Ahriman from such fire djinn. The reason for this is that Ahriman is of death and shade, a black flame of essence hidden by the cloak of darkness.

Iblis/Azazel/Lucifer is an Angel of Light, self-liberation and illumination of knowledge. In this however, do not dismiss the forces of darkness, they are essential to one’s own individual initiation and growth. It is in the darkness that the roots give the nourishment for the tree to reach for the Sun.
Ahriman is thus a form of the Vampyre, the shadow which grows in the darkness and solitude of psychic seclusion, isolation and loneliness. Many forms may be taken by Ahriman, from Toad to Dragon, Shadow and Wolf. Ahriman is the model for our Nightside Primal Conscious, the kingdom of the demonium or infernal realm. This is not a moralistic Evil designed to perform harmful deeds against others, but rather a model of self-initiation from which the essence is awakened or discovered through the opposite. The obfuscation of the self or Lunar Eclipse is the night – calling of both Ahriman and Az, from which through the Vampyric transformation of self can one reach the consort of Ahriman, known as AZ.

AZ, the Primal Lilith,
“The reason that they felt ill at ease was that by eating and drinking they laid themselves open to Az-concupiscence: their bodies were no longer self-sufficient but depended on nourishment from outside, and this in turn ultimately led to their own wastage and death when they themselves are devoured by Az, for Az is not only the demon of gluttony and lust, she is also the demon of death who is never sated; she is the demon 'who swallows all things.”
- : The Dawn and Twilight of Zoroastrianism, R.C. Zaehner, New York, 1961

Az, which is a female demon related directly to Ahriman, is considered a harlot and Goddess of Death and Blood. In this aspect Az is related or a blue-print for, Lilith, Hecate and Babalon. She is the Vampyre Queen, the immortal witch whom creates the alchemical elixir of endless existence, the very core essence of the Luciferian and Vampyre. Az may also be related to KALI, the Goddess who devours and brings life. The Vampyre in this aspect is one who feeds of the blood - lifeforce or the nectar of the mind, the imagination, thus revealing the Vampyre as a solitary being who holds no need in the actual draining of blood. The blood itself is symbolic, as an invocation to the Dark Well of the Fallen Angels, the subconscious or imagination (Iblis, Shaitan).

Az is connected with the word, Azhi, meaning a serpent. The Chaos of the divine feminine or lunar essence is explored through a Godform relation to this Goddess, thus the magician invokes AZ to understand the feminine within. It is the Serpent and Dragon which are the immortal avatars of the well of the imagination, the blood pool of immortality and the endless existence of the psyche.

Death and the grave exists a challenge and significance within the Shadow Sabbatic Path, being of two primary points. One is that death and darkness is a challenging image and concept which the magician must overcome mentally to invoke a higher point of self-initiation, to understand opposites and their dual meaning. The second is that death is a gateway of selftransformation and thus the relation of the vampyre and the grave is this; that the developed and isolated psyche strives for survival beyond the grave, that the mind may prove immortal to exist thus as the fallen angels or watchers.

The Dragon of Darkness is our freedom within the Nightside world of Atavisms and the Lesser and Greater Famulus of the self, that the Sabbatic Path awakens our potential as Gods and Goddesses. Reach forth into the shadow, for it is there that Lucifer and Iblis emerge, and through the Nightside may the gates of immortality open.

I wish to thank those who have offered friendship, assistance and their own ideas in whatever way that it manifests: Douglas Grant, Armiluss Faust, Charles Gonzales, Aaron Besson, Frater Scorpius Nokmet, Stephen Cass, Nathan Harris (RED PRIORY) and the independent initiates of the Luciferian Path.

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Chaos Magick and Luciferism

Confusion is the result of a system of failure. In order to build and proceed into any useful areas one must be willing to strip away belief that has been programmed since birth. We all have this challenge, as within modern society this is a consistent and often reoccurring problem. When Peter Carroll, Ray Sherwin and others began working with something they would later call, Chaos Magic, the potential they continued from what Aleister Crowley and Austin Spare developed was so bright it was often overlooked.

Austin Spare in undoubtedly the grandfather of Chaos Magic, while he had no idea at the time of his magickal importance. During the 80’s a re-publishing awakening of material by Spare was on the upswing, remaining from such publishers from the 70’s like 93 Publishing, who issued several important pieces of Spare’s work along with numerous titles from Aleister Crowley. Christopher Bray, the owner of The Sorcerer’s Apprentice bookshop spearheaded the resurgence of Spare in the early 80’s with “The Collected Works of Austin Osman Spare”, which gave a seminal kick in the pants to many individuals who were looking for new ways within Magick to explore and exceed.

Chaos Magick today essentially is a system derived from many individuals, formed into a new method of sorcery. Chaos Magick is a TOOL, not a structure. Many techniques and traditions are brought into this effective form of sorcery yet anything at anytime can be=2 0changed, altered or more or less “form fitted” to achieve the results desired.

Chaos Magick is formed from many traditions, in the current age it seems almost perfect. There is nothing which would be denied or ignored due to dogma. The system of Chaos implements the foundation of change and progression. While the foundations of Chaos are within the components of Aleister Crowley (who might have been a chaos magician himself), Austin Osman Spare and Macgregor Mathers (default for the Golden Dawn and his various translations of manuscripts) Chaos has spawned from the information these individuals have unknowingly given. It was later when Peter Carroll, Ray Sherwin and Christopher Bray took up the various magical traditions and ran with them, did Chaos Magick form from the proverbial ashes. Chaos Magick is not a system within itself. “It” is actually a definition of action, course of study and a non- lineal way of looking at the subjective universe. Everything can be changed, altered and will to become something else. If you are sure it won’t happen, it probably will and can. Chaos Magick can be as dangerous as it is beneficial. It demands a mind wh ich is able to understand the fragile nature of being what is known as “I” and what our potential of growth is. “It” also demands one to “Know thyself”.

Many misunderstand Chaos Magick as being “dogmatic” when this could not be further from the truth, if “truth” can even apply in our world. Chaos Magick demands, pushes, threatens and makes one’s own individual Will come forth. It is most beneficial to the Holy Guardian Angel, and causes the two aspects known the HGA and the Evil Genius to rage incessantly, the energy of the universe is yours to command and shape if you have the Will.

The concepts of free belief are perhaps the most Luciferian in the nature of individual process, understanding and application. Free belief however is not so easy to practice. It deman ds constant change and a mental discipline to deny conformity and comfort of associated, lineal belief. Spare was himself knowledgeable on the very subject of free belief, anything could flesh with one practicing such concepts. Associate, Will, Manifest and disassociate.

Associate: To freely dive into a particular concept and absorb it within your subconscious. This activates the very part of your brain which Crowley spoke about in the Goetia. The brain is stimulated by the specific association and enables a new action to occur. Associate charges the belief with the energy necessary to create “life”, the elemental or servitor itself. You must “believe” it is possible for such to incarnate.

Will: The core of all magickal practice and the very brain of Luciferian thought. The Will is the seat of all libidinous desire and manif estation of action.

Manifest: By the combination of association and will can something be “enfleshed” or made manifest. This can be anything material you seek, or spiritual. One may attain a new job, friend or perhaps even Magickal growth. The possibilities are endless.

Disassociate: When your Will is sated, you disassociate and close your mind from the original belief, To learn and grow through another path. One should specifically avoid any personal relationships within this manner, which could lead to schizophrenic behavior and make many upset with your actions.

Ray Sherwin, in his magnificent “The Book of Results” he summed the basic root of the above subject in the following:

“In the event that I do not believe it is possible I succumb to my present level of performance, denying myself the option of functioning at capacity by not recognizing that belief is arbitrary and that I can change my beliefs as readily as I change my shoes.”

The current state of chaos magick in the present time has only maneuvered to some certain state due to lack of imagination and vision. Chaos Magick is an egocentric ideology that has no specific doctrine or form. Lack of dogma can often lead to emptiness of concepts and then the boat literally runs aground. Chaos Magick must be=2 0defined in a certain context in order to re-awaken the luminous possibilities contained therein.

Austin Osman Spare was the founder of what is today Chaos Magick. His study and practice of Magick developed early on and was later subject to formal training with Aleister Crowley. Spare understood the importance of ritual and ceremony yet at the same time found it repulsive and idiotic. However, by viewing Spare’s paintings and pastels one is able to understand his appreciative attitude towards ceremony. Austin Spare’s developments began essentially with Earth Inferno, but reached no ground on Sorcery until the atavism of remembrance manifested through his meeting with Crowley. Spare began work on “The Book of Pleasure” and it’s concepts in 1909.

While not completed and published until 1913 he developed immensely during this20period. The activated psychic censor Spare was so famous for began to awaken and develop during this period.

Austin was well versed in classical grimoires such as Grimoirium Verum, The Grand Grimoire, Abramelin the Mage and various works by Levi and Agrippa. Spare developed his Alphabet of Desire from these formulas, something that was groundbreaking and lesser understood by his peers.

Spare, just as Crowley, wanted to usher forth a new magickal system. As Aleister sought Ceremony and beautiful ritual as his own means, Spare’s doctrine of the Alphabet of Desire and death posture brought the same effect. The Holy Guardian Angel within each individual could be brought to the surface for communication. Spare’s concept of underneath the conscious make up of the individual was the all awakened subconscious, capable of anything opened for th inking. Both created something amazing which threw the doors towards magickal exploration and progression wide open. No longer would understanding be damned to the old, yet those of the new flesh could be awakened towards their own desire. The concepts of Kia and ‘Neither-Neither’ could now be explored and absorbed. For Spare Aleister Crowley’s dogma of Thelema (which through further study and practice proves there is very little dogma in Thelema) was too limiting for his own needs. Independent and proud, Austin was not willing to accept Aleister’s concepts in whole. The inner drive or True Will insisted different. Aos would not ignore this call and sought the means of enfleshing his ideas.

Austin Osman Spare was in complete understanding of the focus of mind and how all magickal acts stem from the brain primarily. The secret ascent towards Godhood (Lucifer) is based within the concept of Will, Desire and Belief.

“Self truth results from the unification of Will, Desire and Belief forced into one thing. By this affectiveness the soul draws near and casts its omniscience over us by inspiration.” Aos – The Logomachy of Zos

Spare comprehended the significance of the three united by focus from which nearly any magickal act was possible. Gnosis is a state of closing but is fully aligned with the object or system sought. A gnosis state is possible to manifest desires through sigil methods outlined in The Book of Pleasure and briefly outlined here.

The importance of Sigils is that such can be any per tinent method of envisioning. Sigils can be letters, signs or symbols. Sigils can also be something, which cause a matter of focus for the mind. To invariably forget and absorb the ideas sought. Personally, I have used musick (the act of creating) as various sigils, art (much contact and initiation with spiritual and mental forces have been through art as paintings, drawings and the like). Through Musick sigils can be crafted because due to sonic structures, the idea of what the sigil is can actually be forgotten and buried in the mind.

This allows the subconscious to go through the methods of enfleshing the desire. The tones and actual sound of the musick can cause the individual to forget the meaning and the sigilized musick form, all the while causing the brain to dissect, understand and react to the sigil on a subconscious level, guides along the mind. Sleeping invokes a reaction to sound as well, depending on the purpose and focus and if replayed while dreaming increases unconscious awareness of sound vs. wish.

Spare used sigils as mentioned before, developed from Agrippa and various grimoires of the middle ages. As explained in the Book of Pleasure, Spare gives us a clear outline of the effects of sigil methods in action:

“By projecting the consciousness into one part, sensation not being manifold becomes intensified. By the abstention of desire, except in the object, this is attained (at the psychological time this determines itself” Aos-The Book of Pleasure Sigils may be constructed through several methods as the following;
Letter manipulations, from Arabic, Greek or otherwise,
Paintings and other abstractions of sight through art,
Music and the creative act of sound production.

Letter manipulations can be a useful method of enfleshing desires, creating servitors or elementals or to cast hexes or witch-spells. The medieval system of Magic and invocation used sigils in this form extensively and almost exclusively. This can be found in various grimoires from The Grimorium Verum to Abramelin the Mage. The demons, angels and ot her spirits are bound and called by their symbols and signs, from which they may be understood and communicated with via ritual and syntax. The Medieval systems only understood demons as exterior while beginning with Spare and Crowley proved that they are primarily interior looking outwards, our greatest and worst of selves hidden and buried. Aleister Crowley’s edited Goetia provides the ideal for this theory and how it may be sought and understood to align the mind to scientific ideal: Cause and effect. Many letters representing the Will of the sorcerer may be changed and altered by redrawing and writing the letters to form one or several specific symbols that by this time are unknown in meaning just by viewing them.

Paintings and art are ideal for other types of sigils. Many seem to overlook this. One may approach the written letters and other manipulations with images drawn, painted or drafted with the idea they are seeking to make manifest. One of the specific suggestions is art such as paintings of a particular God or Goddess. This image, while focused upon brings the mind to an alliance with the images, creating the gods or goddesses within the sorcerers’20own mind. Make reference to Peter Carroll’s comment in my “Book of the Witch Moon”: “Create your Gods with care, for they will reform you in their own image.”

Carroll himself, while not distinctly Left Hand Path or Luciferian, is an adept of quite colorful work. The staunch and focused Liber Null (Weiser) addresses the nature of Evocation as: “the art of dealing with magical beings or entities by various acts which create or contact them and allow one to conjure and command them with pacts and exorcism. These beings have a legion of names drawn from the demonology of many cultures: elementals, familiars, incubi, succubi, bud-wills, demons, automata, atavisms, wraiths, spirits and so on.”

Carroll broke down the facets and avenu es of various cultures integrated within occultism and delivered a concise definition-such is a must for any student. Musick may be created in the same instance, knowing the concept while recording various sound waves and tones. Over a period of time the original meaning may become lost or buried, while later being activated through the replaying of the sound. The same can be true for those just hearing the sounds for the first time. Several experiments have led me to the conclusion that certain avenues of musickal creation, depending on the tones and tempo approach, will led the listener to assume something, to invariably come into contact with the demon or angel in question. This is activated by his/her subconscious alone, and is even more so on Governmental levels. Science and government have used many of these methods long ago to uncertain ends.

Chaos Magick teaches the individual the price of knowledge, and the pleasure of seeking the hidden light of Prometheus. The rise of Godhood through many of the chaos magick methods is only strengthened by the practice of discipline as well. Sharp focuses of developed mental strength through such techniques developed in the western world20by Aleister Crowley only prove the initial discussion of will and focus.

God itself is not understanding of any of us; in fact it seeks to devour our beings at any given chance. God as we know it is the ultimate vampire, the force behind Choronzon. Lucifer understood this and decided, as many of us later, to destroy the order that was and seek the very light of the vampire god. Lucifer was not seeking to dethrone this devouring spirit, but to gain its essence (which is inherent in the Morning Star) and seek a light in another area of understanding. Lucifer sought to free humanity from its sheep condition, all the while fought by the anthropomorphic-created God. God is chaos invariably and Lucifer sought to manipulate this power, which the Morning Star has done successfully. The Watchers and the Nephilim understood this fact clearly and so did their Will in the same fashion.

The Sabbatic bloodline of those descended from fallen angels is present clearly in this age, equaled with those who were spiritual heirs as well. The craft taught by the fallen angels is further outlined in my “The Book of the Witch Moon”, which further introduces what can be considered disciplined chaos sorcery.

The methods of Chaos Magick are based within the theories of the universe being subject to those who may open and use the mind on numerous levels. The effects of the earth are reactions to theories and ideas enfleshed. Magick is nothing but a science of the mind. It is our psychic connection between the universe surrounding the casual world and us. The language of the fallen angels and those who would seek the Promethean Light of knowledge and wisdom is inherent also within us. It must be understood that chaos magick is not a form of magick specifically; it is open to possibilities. The potentials are never ending. Any combination may be used only if it is perfectly suitable to the individual developing it.

The quote used by Aleister Crowley and many chaos magicians is “Nothing is True, everything is permitted”; this is attributed to Hassan I Sabbah. Hasan bin Sabah (perhaps a more accurate spelling) is the historical figure that was called “The Old Man of the Mountains.” This Ishmaelite lived during the late eleventh century and was feared from the regions of the Middle East to Europe.

This Luciferian individual, who studied with the Astrologer Omar Khayyam at the University of Nishapur, was trained with various languages and techniques of war and survival. Later on in life Hassan overtook the Eagles Nest that is also called Alamut.

Located on the southern shore of the Caspian Sea around the Elburz Mountain range, Sabbah established a fanatical power base that was soon feared throughout the region.

Hassan I Sabbah’s faith seemed to be a Gnostic dualistic similar to Islam in a Manicheism ideal. The religious head or what is called Imam is a personal representative to God itself. Only through this Imam will one be able to journey to God. In Western definitions, this concept is similar to the Pope.

Sabbah was not only able to raise a number estimated at several thousand fanatic followers, called the Assassins from their ritual use of Hashish, which was said to make them suggestive to Hassan I Sabbah’s claims that Alamut was indeed heaven and not a stark and cold tower or desert desolation. Thi s drug, administered carefully, was able to create a strong link with the metal facilities of the individuals, until they were mentally and physically ready to kill for Imam.

Hassan I Sabbah instilled in his followers a sense of freedom, yet with at an equal end the undying determination to serve and die for this individual. The Luciferian component to the Old Man of the Mountains is based within the concept of his silent yet effective rule. He presented extreme ideals, not willing to surrender to what seems to be more powerful forces; to not only survive but to succeed beyond his original ideas. Luciferic Magickians understand the usefulness of expanding the mind beyond dogma; to reach beyond what is commonly understood as accepted and to tear it to shreds, piss on it and smile while doing so. To reach to the heart or essence and reform it as you would so desire. This is the Luciferian principle of Chaos Magick. To seek, understand and form to your ever-developing system.

“I am the power of my desire (ID)” – Aos

All energy sources, which are altered or changed through Magick and Sorcery all emanate initially from the self. The essence of Godhood begins and ends within the self, as it is known and not known from the individual. Magick is a guidance factor in the development of man and woman to God itself, or as Albert Pike would say, LUCIFER. In our search for magickal power and the light of the Qabalistic Ain Soph, we seek Lucifer within us. We invariably become the Morning Star through invocation, Will and determination. The Luciferian concept of Self Godhood emerges from the hidden god within us all. This does involve the initial working of the Bornless One ritual developed by Aleister Crowley but also several other workings.

“The law of the Great ID: To trespass all laws” -Aos

Chaos Magick invites individuals to use, develop and create as many cross systems as possible. The unity is crucial towards development and the understanding of Magick as we know it. In this defining concept, the understanding of discipline is sometimes lost. Discipline is the most important factor of Magickal training, even within Sorcery and Witchcraft. The mind and body must be in fine tuned shape for the rigors of the Left Hand Path and its possibilities towards the light of Lucifer or Adonai (the hidden self, associated with God or the source of light).

The Illuminates of Thanateros has some very strong initiates within their ranks at many points, one being the Austrian former lodge, “Temple Pleasuredome” which operated from 1988 until 1990 when Temple founder Michael DeWitt was excommunicated due to his support for Peter Carroll in the infamous Ice Magick Wars.

The Ice Magick wars are detailed in other Chaos Magick volumes and will not be discussed here. Michael DeWitt, aka Anon 359 has long been an innovator in the Austrian Magickal scene, and for that matter even beyond it. His work with the publishing house Edition Ananael and past musical endeavors from Zero Kama and his art work today proves this.

Dewitt had a20number of very powerful and dangerous rituals, for which I will only describe in parts here to present the Luciferian aspects of this foundation of selfalchemy and evolution. DeWitt became a Neophyte in the IOT, taking the title Frater Anon 359. He then began translating a number of Peter Carroll’s works in German and pushed forward with his own “Temple Pleasuredome”. Much of the workings of Temple Pleasuredome were focused on Spare’s Zos Kia Cultus and an uncompromising focus of Magick which led others to call him a “Gnostic Extremist”.

Many of the rituals implemented by Anon 359 prove a barrier to many of the would-be “chaos magicians” and those who actually DO magick, the difference is astonishing and sobering. A significant banishing ritual employed by Anon is called “The Quadriga Sexualis Banishing Ritual” and is focused on achieving a point of complete control based within the conscious mind. The Quadriga Sexualis is considered roughly the “four horsemen of sex”, being that these are four elements of building, focusing and releasing this powerful force of Promethean Fire-the Mind and Will united by dissol ution of opposites. Kia itself seeks the necessary manifestation by the act of love, considering it seems to incarnate or flow backwards. This can be viewed as an initiation resembling what has been described in my “Book of the Witch Moon” as the Osculum Infame, or Kiss of Shame. The Devil itself, resembling the O can achieve autoerotic intercourse with the combination of Z, meaning inverse intercourse with the Devil – The very act of creation.

“The Rite of Thanatos vel Babalon”, as developed by Michael DeWitt is one of the most powerful descriptions of the essence of BABALON that could be described. The ritual itself is opened with “The Quadriga Sexualis Banishing Ritual” and leads into the invoking of the force of darkness. The temple itself would be decorated in images of death, skulls and bones and a large black coffin in which one of the female magicians would be laying. It begins with the Priest of Thanatos invoking: “Now listen to the voice of Thanatos known to men as the face of Death, whom they worship with howling and shattering teeth”. All the while a funerary drum beats and calls forth the dead. Soon,20the congregation throws human bones and grave soil within the coffin, which is soon closed.

The celebrants then meditate on among other things, their own death, and understanding that physical death is a natural function of life. BABALON emerges then from the coffin and then announces herself incarnate. This sigil of BABALON would be between the priestess breasts, being revealed when she tears the grave shroud off.

BABALON will now take a human skull bowl filled with blood and chant the dedication to her manifestation. The blood is then poured over herself in ecstasy with the celebrates, affected by the wild drumming do as they will. The entire ritual is closed with the Quadriga Sexualis Banishing ritual, invoking the forces of Light.

It is clear that DeWitt was a seeming master of what Magick essentially is, taking control of the self in its many form and advance each with techniques that shake the essence of belief and the mind. DeWitt’s magickal workings, as I have briefly described, are as effective as Carroll’s and Sherwin’s, considering a slightly darker approach than the former mentioned two. This is perhaps one of the few ways to seek to open the doors of the human spirit and raise it towards the Light of Lucifer, the next step in the advancement of the soul.

Chaos Magick is perhaps the most beneficial system of sorcery which has been labeled as something erratic as “chaos magic”. The system known as Chaos Magick allows the individual who dives the depths of his or her mind and assemble, through various means, a system unique to the person creating it. Chaos is a beautiful friend, which often throws random lightning bolts, is20nonetheless always beside you when you go to sleep at night.

It should be considered fair game to dash through the darkness of the night, to understand and explore the very foundations of the demonic and the angelic, as above, so below…

While the Luciferian gnosis is highly approachable through the systems of what is considered chaos magick, the form of the astral body allows a severance of eventual worldly bonds. This allows the Luciferian Adept to take her or his fill of worldly pleasure and eventually ascend astral in the light of Lucifer, as an “Undead” God or completely remain within the Astral plane.

One would seek to understand the place of the Holy Guardian Angel and the Evil Genius at this level, in the shedding of flesh could it be considered a part of each is severed and a great union may be achieved, from which the conscious becomes aligned with the subconscious. Could this be death itself, Another level of waking through the web of dreams?

Whatever the result may be, a formidable individual is fo rmed from the Chaos current, while many fail over time there are those who are able to transpose their current idea of self and become something far more interesting to their particular life.

The specific union of various systems of magickal practice is important to those who may seek to unite var ious cultures. The Buddhist system, or perhaps more detailed in mentioning the ancient Bon Po practice of Chud, presents the Luciferian Gnosis in its Holy State, what is called complete union with the HGA (Holy Guardian Angel). The activity of severing the ego, becoming beyond that and leaving the physical world is achieved via trance and the use of Human Bones as ritual tools. This represents that we are temporary and life ends, and that the spiritual paths may be ascended through desire and gnosis.

Lucifer is essentially the God of the Air, or the Astral Plane. The Luciferic powers are keys into the separation of the spiritual from the material, even though the Luciferian may remain earth bound for some time. It is speculated that eventually something as this may grow boring and it would be time for the spirit to remain and move further into the astral.

The tools of Chaos Magick are specifically anything which one would utilize to achieve her or his goal, the results being designed to correspond with the means. Union through opposites essentially is the key, proving the direct descendent of Aleister Crowley highly commendable Thelema system, or 93 current.

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Luciferian Sorcery and Set-Typhon
Suti (Set) and the Devil-forms of ancient Egypt

“I am the Crocodile-god (Sebak) who dwelleth amid his terrors. I am the Crocodile-god and I seize (my prey) like a ravening beast” – “Transformation into the Crocodile-god” from “The Egyptian Book of the Dead”

Set is considered in the developing Luciferian Gnosis as the Adversary, an early form of the Adversary. The crocodile god Sebak in the Egyptian Book of the Dead draws some aspects similar in nature to Set, such as the forms he would take. Seemingly, it is considered by the initiatory focus into the symbol and traits of Set, “Verily the Greatest of the Gods” embodied many different aspects and forms in Egyptian mythology. Seker seems to also be a God associated with the early manifestation of Set, in the Tuat, one of the tunnels which were under the control of Seker were guarded by a serpent with four legs, scorpions, vipers and other winged demons.

The Arabic word TAWFAN according to E.A. Wallis Budge may hold a connection to the name TYPHON, considering the Arabic means “Storm”. Apep was known universally as the serpent-devil which held power over storms, darkness and night. Set made his forms in darkness as well, yet as Sutekh his “Adversarial” nature was that he existed both in the Tuat or underworld in the seeming form of Apep (once he mastered this chaotic aspect) and Man-God on earth. At Kom Ombo as well as other places Set was called Nubti and Sutekh, although later identified with the god Baal, whom the Hyskos held as their highest god.

Set is called a mighty warrior who had his kingdom in the North, specifically in the Northern Sky where he dwelled in a star of the constellation of Khepesh or the “thigh”. As Typhon has long been associated with Set the common traits of his nature are clear. Consider the nature of “Typho” as the greeks called him, his nature was of the beast and he corrupted the natural order, the course of nature. Set was of this nature as well, an Anti-Nature in that his spirit was against the natural laws and went forth upon its own course. In the Luciferian Path, the common element of practice is to forge with your own identification of mythology, your own path against others. That is, by antinomian practice from a spiritual foundation, the Adept becomes “like” Set or Ahriman, not in any Western “evil” definition, rather in the spiritual sense.

The names of the Adversary in ancient Egypt (as Set and Apophis) were many, a few examples are:

Nak, Sabau, Apophis, Suti, Baba, Smy, Hemhemti, Pakerbeth, Saatet-ta, Qerneru, Tutu, Nesht, Hau-hra, Iubani, Amam, SebaentSeba, Khak-ab, Khan-ru,Uai Sau, Beteshu, Kharubu the Four Times Wicked

The Smaiu and Mesu Betshet were the “Children of Rebellion”, those who were shape shifters and cult members who venerated the Serpent as their God. As it was written in Genesis the serpent was “subtle than any beast” and refers to the cunning and mindful approach it had towards anything done.

The material associated with Set-Typhon is iron, called often “the bone of Typho”. It was by this strength in which Set held dominion over all at some point in time, his forms many and his will and hunger to exist was greater than the efforts of his enemies to destroy him. Set is called the personification of the dark waters and the desert, his two-fold essence of being is central to his role as the tester and sorcerous initiator.

All predators of the spirit who devoured the dead were reposed in the darkened pits of the Tuat. Aapep, Apep or Apophis was the Demon Serpent of chaos who devoured many, battled often by Set, later Apep was conquered and mastered by Set, soon Apep merged into Set. Just as the most common form of Apep was a crocodile, this was also a form that Sutekh or20Set took as well. Suti (Set) was also often a God of Death, devouring spirits or befriending them as well. Predatory Spiritualism had its roots in the world in Ancient Egypt, from what the Gods practice shall some Adepts practice as well. In the Tuat, a demon-serpent called “Sati-temui” who was seventy cubits long and was said to grow strong from devouring the souls of the dead who were there. There is also a mention of a serpent called “Akriu” who was also an enemy of RA as well. There was a place of fire in the Tuat as well, where there was a Lord in the form of a giant serpent who held the power of the Evil Eye. This serpent would seduce his prey and then devour their spirits. Know that the forms of Set are many, the God of Darkness and War is also a creative god of progression and shape shifting. He survives by transformation. The path of sorcerous arte known as Luciferian Witchcraft, is perhaps becoming a clearer subject under the Sethian concept of the Adversary as a dual and necessary force. Just as Chaos Magick is a development of primal sorcery, without limitations, the Luciferian Path is a further and refined development of primal sorcery with a defined path towards the Sethian becoming, and the ongoing process of self-transformation.

“Luciferian Witchcraft” presents a gateway to gnosis of what our culture has called Satan, specifically reaching into the roots of the adversary to discover the various cultural traits of the Luciferian spirit. Ahriman is a primary source of this fountain of gnosis; however Set or Sutekh as the God of Darkness is equally as fascinating if one may find a semblance of interest there.

Consider the ideals of the Luciferian path. In Luciferian Witchcraft, by Michael W. Ford, the very foundation of the adversary is presented as a multicultural force, thus existing within the universe and not a creation of mankind. While man had created anthropomorphic attributes, this spirit if you will pre-existed human consciousness. To practice Luciferian Witchcraft and Sorcery, one essentially prepares the mind and body to be a vessel for this force, not joining in union with it, rather encircling the essence of the Adversary and allowing the self to shape Chaos into self-willed Order within the self. This, by definition alone is Chaos Magick. What transfers the title is a result of what transformed the Gnosis itself, the intent of the work.

Be cautious in the terms of Chaos Magick, you are not simply paradigm shifting, rather utilizing chaotic forces to utilize temporary Order in the self to grow stronger and progress as an Adept. Chaos Magick in the terms of which I refer to are tools of various forms of ritual belief to construct your own initiatory focus. The foundation is the consistent aspect of Chaos Sorcery in the Luciferian Path.

The Witches' Sabbat itself is composed of two aspects, the Celestial or Empyrean (the highest aspect of Light, Luciferian Fire and divinity) and the Infernal (the lower aspects, the daemonic). What the Witches' Sabbat is the spiritual transference from the waking flesh (everyday life) to the astral/dream rite (the gathering of witches and sorcerer in the arena of the dream ). The Sabbat has been explored since before the middle ages, in the form of the infernal, daemonic and often demoting in the lens of Christianity. It was Austin Osman Spare, in his one room apartment in London, awakened to the gathering of spirits, fornicating and procreating the inherent wish of each sorcerer. Spare considered the Sabbat most healthy, and noted an increase in mental and physical health and vigor. Spare around this time, in the early 1950's, drew numerous illustrations of the Sabbat in various forms, including many infernal aspects of his early career. Kenneth Grant later illustrated much of Spare's Luciferian Gnosis in his legendary work, "Images and Oracles of Austin Osman Spare".

The Sabbat of the Witches is a dreaming aspect of the imagination, of strengthening the self into the arcana of the Cunning Fire, or Black Flame. The Lore of Cain as the Lord of Horsemen is the earthen bound spirit who kindles the very flame of self, the illumination of Iblis/Shaitan. He or she is a vessel reflecting its unique touch, different from all others, as well as each other who make walk a similar path. It is within the nature of the Ourobouros bound mirror that we emerge into the dream of spirit flight, when the Sun is the Black Essence of creation, that all images are cast in the light of Opposition. Cain is the embodiment of the strength and wisdom of the Watchers, the very possibility of divine consciousness awakened in man and woman.

The entry of the Luciferian practice is symbolized in Luciferian Witchcraft’s "AZOTHOZ". In this work, I used the method of poem and prose to write a cipher of ensorcelling the self, or spiritual awareness through a Luciferian and Sethian mirror. In this work, my position was to clearly draw the connection and becoming process of self-initiation through the lore of the Watchers, the Nephilim, the Black Eagle and the essence of the Adversary. The combination of Art and text invoke the very spirit of Shaitan and Lilith to those who may embrace it. Azothoz reaches into the current of magick to manifest itself in the initiate who may be of this essence, born by the spark of Djinn fire to witch blood. This is a Luciferian process of SelfLiberation which invites a deeper understanding of Daemon and Angel, their union outside of a Christian standpoint. It is the otherness which individuals ma y seek to inspire, bringing one closer to the Lord of Storms and Chaos, SET to a spirit of Order in the self. When writing of angels, a point of the `angelick familiar', “Luciferian angel” or Holy Guardian Angel may be observed, higher aspects of our consciousness, while `demonic familiar is the lower, bestial aspects of our consciousness, atavisms, the shadow itself. Here is the essence of Ahriman as the bringer of shadow, from which we encircle both the higher with the lower. References to the infernal and demonic within Luciferian Witchcraft are aimed as that same process of self-liberation, initiating change and progress of the self from a magical perspective.

The Sabbat itself stands between normal dreaming and waking, it is a mystical process undermined by determination to change and progress. In a symbolized working, the dreamer experiences the Sabbat be it in the Celestial (Luciferian gathering, communion with the Watchers) and Infernal (Daemonic gathering, fornication and shades of the dead) to usher forth a strong process of self-initiation, that the imagination is illuminated and able to stand alone. In an observation process, the imagination is able by means of Will, to create and sustain its own individual independent being of self. As a Sethian perspective, the Luciferian Witchcraft is not in my opinion effective as a RHP tool, but only essentially useful through a LHP perspective. The Sorcerous Path itself is one of selfdevelopment, exploring both ones shadow and light aspects, utilizing them to ones benefit and ultimately focusing these tools as a means of becoming. As one enters the Luciferian Circle, the self is encircled in the arcana of I, which Austin Osman Spare defined as the center of being and the infinite possibility therein. All of the Daemons and Angels of the self as familiars or guides are all an expression of owns being. Before one becomes cloudy in the waters of Wicca, the pure source must be revealed.

To better explain the Luciferian Path in the terms of which is offered in “Luciferian Witchcraft”, “Liber HVHI” and “”Book of the Witch Moon”, an assessment of the basic tools, God forms and models of belief are given here:

The serpent-demon of chaos and the abyssic waters of the Tuat. Apep is the early embodiment of the Sumerian Tiamat or the Sevenheaded dragon of the apocalypse. In early Persian manifestation, Ahriman and the ArchDaevas. In Egyptian lore, Apep is by cipher and study nothing more than Set revealed, his primal draconian aspect of self. Apep embodies the very essence of Set and may even be considered associated with his shadow or demonic form. In the Tenth and Eleventh Sections of the Tuat “Set-heh ” is shown as being to the left of the Gods in a fiery place, Horus standing in front of Setheh in the form of a serpent.

The Lord of Jackals and Opener of the Way, Anubis is Hermes, the Gateway unto Death. Anubis is a tester, one who would way the heart of he or she that sought to emerge or dive unto the Celestial or Infernal realms. Anubis is also a Mortuary God, residing over embalming and funeral preparations. Within Luciferian Sorcery, one undertakes the mask of Anubis to become like Anubis, some may seek the shades of the dead or further necromantic experiments depending on the predilections of the sorcerer.

The Alphabet of Desire
Considered a formulaic point of congress with the `other' or 'otherness', the Alphabet of Desire is an unspeakable grammar which communicates with Azoth or the subconscious. Azoth is the beginning and the end, that which encompasses the in-between. As a Sethian or Luciferian, may incorporate the Alphabet of Desire as a tool of self-determination, or Will to achieve ones goals. The Alphabet of Desire may be a useful tool of exploration to advance ones knowledge in the learning of herbs and their uses, astral projection, learning martial arts, understanding tarot correspondences, whatever it may be. The Luciferian grimoires such as LIBER HVHI, Luciferian Witchcraft and Book of the Witch Moon incorporate the Alphabet of Desire as the means of communication with the sorcerers' familiar, the `Holy Guardian Angel' and `Evil Genius' of the Cabbala. The 22 letters/paths of the Qlippoth are presented in Liber HVHI and interestingly enough, as one moves through the workings and rituals described in “Luciferian Witchcraft”, “Liber HVHI” and “Book of the Witch Moon”, there becomes little difference in the HGA and Evil Genius, shadow and light become encircled and the self grows as One balanced point within the circle of arte. The alphabet of desire, as Austin=2 0Spare called it, represents the complete arcane of sorcery from which the Black Adept may make his desires flesh in spirit and in flesh. The methodology of the Qlippoth is also within this gnosis.

The 8-Pointed Luciferian Star - ALGOL
The 8 pointed sigil holds several symbols of interest, as one definition may be reflected into another. Called the Chaos Star/Sigil, this eight pointed symbol represents the void and non-being concerning matter in the universe. Chaos is the most beneficial force, from it the Black Adept weaves temporary Order within the Self. In Sabbat Rites, it is the Ritual of transferring the consciousness unto the self. This is reminiscent of the Italian Witches Covens that took to the Spirit Hunt on the dreaming plane as well. The Luciferian essence of attending the conclave is the mee ting place of the Three (consider Hecate/Lilith the Guardians of the Crossroads), it is the Seven Rayed Star which initiates and the Eight Ray which comes the initiator of Magick, Set himself. Nick Hall points out in "Chaos & Sorcery" that the Eight Rayed Star appeared in Mesopotamia around 3,000 B.C. as a symbol to represent Dingir (God), Heaven (AN) and Star. This may be viewed in a Luciferian context as Dingir representing the infinite possibility of being, the Fire stole from Heaven, and the union of the Celestial Going Forth into the Aethyr of angelick being, the higher intellect or essence associated with the Neter Set. Within “Luciferian Witchcraft”, ALGOL is represented by the Five Elements of Ahriman, as first described by the ancient Manichaean Cult, which was inspired by Zoroastrianism but called Heretics. These elements of the Prince of Darkness combined the bestial and earthly aspects, from which Ahriman masters all within his circle.

The Holy Guardian Angel/The Evil Genius/Congressus cum Daemone
There has been much in the way of misunderstanding within Magick as to what the Holy Guardian Angel actually is. Some have described it as an exteriorized force which guides each person, others a force of the subconscious. I am partial by experience and direction that this is a force of the subconscious, the Greater Familiar is a result of Atavistic workings (which include the Bornless One Ritual) from which the Luciferian Sorcerer calls both the Evil Genius (the demonic atavistic nature of self) in unity with the Holy Guardian Angel, the Empyrean Angelic force, blended with the Demonic Aspect grants a higher articulation of the spirit force, which is still very much a part of us. The attendant spirit, as Familiar may be considered an Angelick/Luciferian illuminated self. This is of course, not a separate entity but the projected and developed imagination of the Sorcerer, from which he or she may visualize a force created from shadow and darkness, blending with the higher articulations of a Luciferian Spirit of Flame (Iblis) or Light, thus creating and bringing forth the HGA or Angelick Familiar. There is no mystical guideline for this force, it is very much a part of your being, illuminated and empowered by your own desires.

Fetishes (lesser and greater)
A Fetish is simply a storehouse of power. It represents the sorcerer in some way, particularly an aspect of his or her personality. For instance, a Vampyric Famulus would be a human skull (the Knights Templar were said to worship Baphomet in the form of a human skull) which holds a consecrated sigil representing the vampyric aspects of self; along with the grave soil of a graveyard in which the sorcerer has rested in and meditated upon death. Fetishes are considered a powerful tool in witchcraft and primal sorcery, as they are gateways of consciousness and a growing extension of the sorcerer. In making a fetish, consider the elements which would suit the desired purpose of the elemental. You are creating the famulus, from aspects of the self aided with the manes of the dead, Willed into a form which exists through the fetish or storehouse , but ultimately is a repose of the sorcerer's consciousness. A “vampyre” within the context written of here is a word denoting the essence of the myths of old, essentially a “Predatory spirituality” which the Black Adept slowly transforms into upon the path.

Known also as CHIVA, or Chioa, the Beast – offspring of Samael and Lilith. Tubal-Qayin is the Lord of the Horsemen, the Luciferian Patron of the path, the initiator. Cain in some areas of the Luciferian Witchcraft gnosis is an earth form of Set, the form imposed in flesh and greenery, the desert and the caverns of the earth. Cain may be viewed as a symbolic form of awakening, and much of the Luciferian Witchcraft gnosis is based upon the self-initiatory association with Cain. Cain is also considered the Off spring of Asmodeus/Samael and Lilith, a child of infernal union. The lore of the Sorcerous Blacksmith is explained in depth in “Luciferian Witchcraft”, “Liber HVHI” and “Book of the Witch Moon”.

Considered primarily "male" and often “female”, Leviathan encompasses the ancient flesh of Mummu Tiamat, the primal Goddess. Leviathan is the unity of sexualities, from which all emerges from this Dragon of the Depths. Leviathan or the Ouraborus is considered the encircler of one’s path, or Will. It surrounds and brings in all exteriors as designed by the sorcerer's Desire, Will and Belief. Leviathan as featured in YATUK DINOIH is the dragon which brings the union of Lilith and Samael within the magician that the path is brought forth.

Lucifer is the Bringer of Light, the Fallen Angel who prides knowledge and Wisdom above blind faith and servitude. Lucifer was the Seraph who with a flaming sword and beautiful visage guarded the Throne of God in the Heavens. It was because of stasis that Lucifer sought to rebel, to initiate becoming in the exploration of his shadow self. The Angel then became as Daemon also, holding both quality of darkness and light. Lucifer fell unto earth and sought the very knowledge of Earth, and within it the powers that such the darkness would bring. Iblis, a title of Shaitan is described in ancient texts as a Spirit of Fire, one whose eternal flame would bow before no one, not even a God force. Iblis/Shaitan understood he was unique and powerful within his being, and that by separating himself from the natural order, would become as a God. “Azothoz” presents a cipher in poem on the nature of the Adversary and becoming.

Lilith-Az-Babalon- Hecate
The Daemonic Feminine is the fountain of the Witch Cult, in its dreaming and waking aspect. While Wicca has taken a more sterile approach to the Goddess, a Luciferian Sorcerer acknowledges the beauty of the Daemonic Goddess as a well of power and selfdeification. Through Babalon we drink the blood of saints a nd emerge as God itself. Lilith is the Succubus Witch Queen of the Sabbat, whom is the very mother of us all. Any within the veil of darkness are from her, we fornicate with her continually in the fruitful imagination of creation. The above four names are but a glimpse at her face, for she wears many masks in accordance with her role. All individuals must invoke Babalon Lilith within, regardless of gender. She is reached in the City of Chorazin, from which you seek the Skull Cup of Blood, drinking deep from the Immortal Well of her Vampyric Essence. Part of the work of Coven Nachttoter (a small group of which the present author is a part of) is to explore and restore the work of John Whiteside Parsons, including the work of Belarion Armiluss Al Dajjal Antichrist, a title of attainment. The essence of Witchcraft in its rightful Left Hand Path perspective is the illumination and understanding of the Daemonic Feminine, which is revealed to each sorcerer who treads this path of darkness. One symbol of Coven Nachttoter is the Sigil of Hecate, which is a mirror into the Gates of the Dead, the abode of the Goddess of Witches.

These God forms are powerful for the sorcerer who summons them, discovers the atavistic aspects which relate to them, and becomes like them. One would seek to create such energy forms that may be closely connected with the psyche, therefore initiating a further speed of one’s becoming through manifesting the qualities and traits of the God forms therein. Atavisms are also used in such a way; while often one may use Atavistic Resurgence as a form of summon many of the God forms listed above.

Some of the Luciferian Witchcraft or High Sorcery gnosis is developed from Charles Pace, known in early Wiccan circles as Hamar'at. Pace, who was born in 1920 was an early associate of Gerald Gardner, knowing him from some of the Egyptian Hermetic Occult circles they associated in. Pace was known=2 0in the 1960's as a Priest of Set and Anubis, and later became a high priest of Gerald Gardner's Coven in South London. Charles created two known manuscripts of his lectures and teachings, which were based on his own Sethanic Cult of Masks. Pace was presenting a Luciferian aspect of Wicca which would provide an actual initiatory ground, rather than a dogmatic and unchallenging religious doctrine.

"NECROMINION" and "THE BOOK OF TAHUTI" were two manuscripts which survived Pace, authored in the late 1960's and early 70's. 'Necrominion' was based around the Sethanic Cult of Masks, an ornate Sexual Magick rite known as "ANKH-KA", the Five Fold Kiss and material on the Hermetic Tarot which lists different attributes than Aleister Crowley's own coherent Thoth deck.

`The Book of Tahuti' was dedicated to `Austin Ozman Spare' is based upon the Hermetic Tarot, many of the plates are beautiful and impressionistic. Included in the manuscript was Hamar'at's Triple Hermetic Circle, which was incorporated in Coven Nachttoter and my own magickal work. It presents ANKH KA DJED meaning a triple form and self-invigoration, presenting a similar result as what the Bornless Ritual does. The Circle is reproduced with new attributions based on my own work in LUCIFERIAN WITCHCRAFT. Charles Pace was a Mortician from Scotland, he was even a consultant for when Jimmy Page redecorated Boleskine House, painting many murals around the home. Pace was also in trouble with the Wiccans and the British Press in the 1970's for various reasons. Anton Szandor LaVey was said to have been a correspondent with Pace as well around 1974.

Upon receiving reproductions of the images of Pace, my own work seemed to have opened in a new way, new aspects were to be found in this forgotten character. Upon receiving these images and text, a meeting was called and we discussed the work at hand and how we would go on to develop it. It is a clear and direct line into the Luciferian Gnosis, as well as the Sethian aspects of self-evolution. The Luciferian Essence it self is intertwined with the work of the Sethian. It is a tool of self-deification and advancement, with a more firm and serious approach than some Chaos Magick aspects. The Luciferian Path is one of Luciferian Self-Deification, from which Set emerges behind as the Bearer of the Black Flame. It is time to usher forth a challenging, a potent new form of Witchcraft, a return to Primal Sorcery with the highest aspects of the Sethian, Ahrimanic or Luciferian spirit.

This article was originally published in a Setian publication as “Sabbatic Sorcery and Set” and has since been advanced accordingly and fully updated.

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Fly the Light
Psychonaut 75

Industrial Musick needs the original formula which it came from - Freedom and Self-Liberation. It needs something which breathes that chaotic fire and storm of creativity and aggression. Psychonaut 75 is bringing back the original methodology of apocalyptic desire and the fires which spring from such ideas.

“Fly the Light” is a CD recorded by Psychonaut 75 as their most intense, profound and intricate album to date. Being recorded as a musical ritual, “Fly the Light” was structured around certain Cabalistic numerical values, PHI and Binaural Beats and a foundation based around Opening or Creating Gates of Hell within the individual listener, thus throwing open the gates of the subconscious.

The name itself derives from Lucifuge, or Lucifugum, “Fly-the-light” are considered fire spirits who live in the astral plane in a spirit form. Lucifuge is also the name o f the Patron devil in the Grand Grimoire, being an emissary of Lucifer the Light Bringer. In this sense, Lucifuge can be a ‘shadow’ which comes from the Above Light of Lucifer, thus a connected force of rebellion and self- liberation. Contained on “Fly the Light” are 14 tracks, with a running time slightly over 70 minutes.

Seven tracks symbolize the Beast of the Apocalypse, being the 7 headed dragon. The remaining Seven ascend in a crooked pattern around the Tree of Daath, or the Qlippoth.

This movement is thus symbolized as the Fly God, Beelzebub, as a form of the Adversary.

“Fly the Light” Begins with “Alone and Divided”, an atmosphere of post-industrial chaos and the machinery of a new religion - Luciferian Youth. This album does not move in the clean and shiny future as we so often visualize, but a past of when machinery and mankind were at odds with each other, when one wished to become another by the subconscious desire of mankind. Pounding rhythm, abrasive and chanting vocals, harmonies and disharmonies move in layers over Industrial and EBM stylized songs, with an element darkness and chaos intensely behind the surface - like a TV screen flashing images which can only be hinted at…

Binaural Beats and PHI frequencies used in the musick of P 75 are programmed around numerical significance or points of Cabalistic idea, this is done by two tones being at different frequencies in each ear, causing then by the difference of the number between tones, the brainwave itself. This process can be very intense, and combined with lyric and musical approach, can be a deprogramming and Luciferian tool of self-awakening.

Psychonaut 75 encourage individuals to look at “Fly the Light” as like a grimoire itself, a book of Sonic Black Magick, and to view it as the Serpent which speaks to you, offering a knowledge only if you have the desire to be independent and strong.

“Fly the Light” is not just a ceremony, it is movement, pumping industrial, chaos and synthesizer driven songs layered with vocal disharmonies and distinct structures.

Psychonaut 75 has created a unique sound which brings a touch o f dirtiness and filth to emblem and synthesizer driven industrial music. P 75 has recorded a sound which has a free style reminiscent of early industrial music, some songs filled with flowing structure and others built around ritualistic concepts.

Psychonaut 75 in its current manifestation as a conceptual Satanic Industrial band provides an interest in the depth of ideology and theory behind the surface of the songs.

Founder and vocalist Michael Ford (Keteb) structured “Fly the Light” around the vision of man and woman falling into the depths of darkness (as with the Legend of Satan) to discover the inner Fire (Black Flame) of self-consciousness and divinity, to then mutate and transform into something Godlike. This model is loosely attributed to the Averse or Black Tree of Life known as Black Eden or the Qlippoth. Songs such as “Chaos Unveiled” and “Fleshstretcher” with their violent patterns and machine like rhythms are attributed to the Qlippothic sphere of Geburah Averse, the Demon of the Sphere is Asmoday who origins are ancient Persian as Aeshma (Demon of the Wounding Spear).

The song “Angel of Prostitution II” is connected with Yesod - the Moon and the Averse Sphere of Lilith, the bride of Satan who is represented of the instinctual, dark side of humanity. She was originally called Az and had taught the Fallen Angels how to take form and copulate to produce ‘Dragon Children’ in some Gnostic and Manichaean text.

Her divinity is Sexual Perversion, the original Priestess of Fuck and whore of the shadowed ones (the fallen angels). “Alone and Divided” is connected with Malkuth, Earth and the Demoness Naam ah (meaning ‘Pleasant’), a Bride of Samael and considered a Sister of Cain according to some lore. The line of “I am no longer Abel to conceal what I have become”, Cain is revered in Hereditary and Independent Luciferian Witchcraft covens as the First Witch and Satanist who had joined in a covenant with the Devil in Nod. In addition some initiatory grimoires present Cain as being the Son of Samael (Satan) and Lilith (through possession of Eve via the fruit given by the serpent). Cain is thus a symbol of the SELF which transforms itself through dissatisfaction.

“Fly the Light” is in part a symbol of the transformation through the Seven Heads of the Dragon of the Apocalypse via the Angel of Prostitution who rides the beast. The Son of Satan is also represented as a serpent. The Dragon itself holds significance in that it is a relation to Diabolism, in Zoroastrian lore, the Avestan word ‘Devak’ means worm which is a dragon or snake. An early form of the Antichrist, called “Zohak” and later “Azhi Dahaka” is a dragon-king who had two Black and Venomous serpents on his shoulders, who emerged with20the initiatory kiss of Ahriman, the Devil. “Fly the Light” represents a beginning of transformation and the Luciferian concepts of Antinomian thought. No longer should children be force fed Christian lies, bending knees to Spiritual Weakness. Bring your Young to us, a New Luciferian Youth!

The world we live in is a Christian World, look at what they have brought to humanity with their hypocritical self-deceit - war, murder, rape, incest, ignorance, blind faith and the slow destruction of the planet. It is time for a new Luciferian Youth, to shape the world in their own way by putting a new God on a Cross, a God which demands selfstudy and self- worship, not obsessions to spiritual otherness which begins outside the self. Luciferian and Satanic thought begins internally, and then moves outward.

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Draw circle in flour if not painted in temple.

Place a candle in each of the four cardinal directions.

The altar can be on the ground, a table, rock or such. The altar should be in the center or just north of center of the Circle. Light the candles and the incense.


Facing North, the High Priest and Priestess20kneel in front of the altar with him to her right. She puts the bowl of water (mixed with the ashes of the dead or grave soil) on the altar, places the point of her athame in it and says:

"I exorcise thee, O Creature of Water, the my sacred Will exorcises from this all things unwilling to manifest according to my desire. Bring the warmth and stillness of the great unconscious, that my flesh becomes a mirror of my waking in the dream.”

The Athame should now be held and the magician enters the grand Sabbatic circle.

“Awaken now from the sleep of the mind, that I summon the spirits of strength and silent victory, from which my being shall emerge. Guarded in the light of Prometheus, the state of Self- Love shall produce kindness and love for those around me. So much that I may fortify myself through the emergence of Godhood.”

Facing the north, Anthame pointed:

“Angels of the North, which walks of light and fiery swords, voice of those who fall in defeat to your radiance, emerge and protect this circle of being, I call to thee Angelick spirits of the Watchtower: Nanta! Cnbr, Roan, Magl, Psac”

Facing the west,

“Angels of the West, which the depths are protected by the force of your cups, emerge and protect this circle of being, I call to thee Angelick spirits of the Watchtower: Bitom! Xgzd, Iaom, Nlrx, Ziza”

Facing the south,

“Angels of the South, from which of Fire you would emerge, carry forth our protection to this circle of being, I call to thee Angelick spirits of the Watchtower: Hcoma! Utpa, Phra, Tdim, Anaa”

Facing the east,

“Angels of the East, from which by wind you approach, emerge and protect this circle of being, I call to thee Angelick spirits of the Watchtower: Exarp! Rzla, Boza, Taad, Dopa”

Hold now the Athame and moving Widdershins, invoke the elements of Lucifer:

“By the triangle of elemental sight I bless this circle, by the spirit mind of Godhood I emerge as one who commands the elements by Will alone. Move and Bless this circle and work!”

“By the image of the falling pentagram and star, from which we dive to achieve the Promethean light, I bless this circle, by the spirit mind of the separated psyche, made selfdeified by self- love, to build and strengthen thr ough the mysteries of UR and the Black Dragon, I emerge as one who commands individual ascension by Will alone. Move and bless this circle of work!”

“By who is named Lucifer, come forth and bless this circle which is dedicated through thee. In the image of the Morning Star we each ascend, and in your image we become. Prince of Light and Prince of Darkness emerge as one! Bless this circle!”

“Hail Lilith, she who would bless our lives with joy and beauty, and the love of our kin. We seek the sorcerous path!”

“By the power of the Toad, sacred of Hecate and the powers of night, avail the lunar current unto our selves, so that we shall emerge in the dark light of Saturn!”

“By the power of the Serpent, sacred of Asmodeus and Lilith, bringers of the craft of olde, that we shall emerge in the waking dawn of Phosphorus!”

“By the power of the Goat, OZ as known to the secret. Bring us union and that opposites are joined, that we shall emerge knowing both good and evil!”

“This circle is hereby sacred, blessed by the light of Shaitan the double headed one!”

Perform the Witches’ Rune:
"Bagabi lacha bachabe lamac cahi achababe
To that which is, unto that which was...
A burning cycle is upon us, fear shan’t ascend in its ugliness,
failure is null, nothing is true.
Cast my earth and rise unto the shadow
Shining moon and velvet night I raise the witches' blade and give thee life
Come unto us this dark night!
South, East, West and North thy spirit come forth in joy
A fire from the spinning sun wheel, Birt h is through blood"
The circle is cast.

Notes on Casting the Circle (Luciferian Version)

Lucifer is East, presiding as the morning star. I have detailed specific descriptions and elements within my Shades of Algol AND the booklet "Sabbatic Sorcery". The actual SIGIL of Lucifer is defined in meaning through initiation.

Leviathan is generally presiding within the West, however I chose to address the obvious other areas of each prince. You have heard the term "Nothing is what it seems", well each Crown Prince in relation to our subconscious seems to bring forth different elements of its nature. For instanc e, you think of Leviathan as a water associated element (which IT is essentially) however it does draw influences of a specific Earth based "swallowing of souls", meaning Leviathan becomes essentially the Dweller of the Threshold for our consistancy of developing Earth Mastery, it becomes WATER (subconscious, unconscious psyche) to EARTH (the commanding of the elements, or the Witch Queen or King as the Crowned avatar). Shaitan is behind primarily to present a varied opinion of the Opposer, which is essentially the Shadow of Lucifer itself. It is also known as Noctifer, the Bringer of Night. This is where the balance of the Demonic comes into fruitation, from which we may not only manifest according to our controlled desire, but also the functions of an awakened mind. Luciferian Witchcraft demands a Hedge Riding ability along with the detailed awakening of both the Angelick and Demonic. Shaitan would represent the element of Water within this aspect, and Water to Air represents the dual Luciferian Gnosis of Witchcraft embedded through the individual awakening the sorcerous intent, to BECOME.

Belial represents in this aspect FIRE, being manifestation, creation and destruction. Fire is generally Satan, or Shaitan which I am not attempting to alter beyond a means of controlling the elements within ones natural ability. Fire with Earth represents success within ones individual life, and to achieve goals. Belial is also the other name of the Beast 666, John Whiteside Parsons understood this when he adopted the title BELARION Armilusss Al Dajjal Antichrist in the late 40's and early 50s before his death. The Sun essentially, equaled to Abraxas, father Sun, must be sought in it's opposite. Belial is the Angel of awakening inspiration and the ability to make its Will flesh, a kin to Lucifer.

The Angels mentioned in the rite are Enochian, with specific elements connected with them. Those who research that will discover a useful gem within that context.

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Luciferian Initiation
Via Nocturne

A Ceremonial or Solitary initiation into the Light of Phosphorus.

Participant should be hooded in a bla ck robe, unmarked with no symbols bearing. This represents that a person need not be refined by appearance, but the center of self. That Cain has given man and woman an inherent gift of Luciferian independence, that the linage is not cultivated by mere appearance. The secret self should be revealed as a significant aspect of the Holy Guardian Angel, the higher aspect of what is called the self.

The Grand Luciferian Circle should be drawn large or duplicated so that one body may fit standing or sitting within it. Candles should surround the circle and the initiate should be within. The wand should be previously used in the art of evocation and Goetic sorcery.

The sigils surrounding the circle make up along with the center the sigil of Lucifer, so that the initiate is actually calling down the essence of the Serpentine Mind, the Luci ferian core of the self as a background for the Sabbatic initiation. Each small part manifests as a whole in the end.

The initial ceremony should be a banishing ritual, and before a bath to cleanse the body for the actual initiation. Anoint with oil, incense within the Temple to allow the mind entrance into the astral mysteries.

By closing your eyes and focusing on a small dot which slowly becomes a torch, imagine the light growing closer and closer. A great black shape draws near you holding the torch, the figure of black has the sounds of goats around him, a great and strange musick may be heard as he appears before you.

Greet this figure:

“By the torch of Azazel, brought to man and woman, hearken and appear through mine eyes.”

The figure enters you at this instant, allowing a calm silence to fill as the sounds of the musick and the goats grow muffled and dim.

“By the four winds and the fo ur Watchtowers, I call thee angels of silence to bless my initiation.”

“By the call of Lilith, grant me passage through the fields of night. From the womb of the mother I emerge with the caul, the stain of Witchblood.”

Open your eyes stand and face the altar, staring intently into the mirror:

“By night, the Sabbatic honor of being, the dreamer shall ride the back of the owl; this is the awakening of20the dark flesh! Eko, Eko, Asmodee!”

Banish and close circle.

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The Binding of Shadows
A Luciferian Banishing Ritual

In silence, close your eyes and envision a large amount of energy rising up from within you. The slow breathing technique, as described by Tantrics described a slow rise of astral energy to form a shield and to clear the mind of thoughts other than the goals of the rite you will conduct.

The rite as described by Coven Nachttoter is based within the gathering of shadows, the elementals formed in magickal workings to protect the physical and spiritual body from attack. This technique may be used to also clear the mind for the purpose of relaxation.

The shadows, the same of familiars are some part related to the dead, they may be long forgotten shades which are attracted to the spiritual activity of your own magickal work.

They have since lost consciousness and the concept of “I”, thus proving useful in workings of magick.

Summon them with blood and bones, sexual energy and the will sharp and focused. They will respond and prove useful guardians while in the astral plane. They feed from our lifeforce just as we absorb from the sacred Opfer. Never mind harm, they do not seem to draw enough lifeforce to cause any alarm of challenge. These shades, if made malicious by destructive black magick, may cause considerable harm to the intended victim, or even seek havoc upon the caster. Be cautious. It is however mostly a chore to create and empower such elementals that one would be focused for an extended period of time to create such beings. A traditional banishing ritual proves useful as it allows complete control and cleansing of the individual who performs it. It also, just as anything within magick, must mean something to the one performing it. This banishing ritual allows passage from shades into our orbit if you will, while banishing unwanted mental aggravations or unwanted selfcreated or imposed spiritual hindrances. It is also essential to perform at the beginning and end the each rite, allowing the proper closing in such ceremony.

I. The Banishing

Facing the altar, located in the East, take the athame and make the sign of an invoking pentagram, averse and envision a light emerge from the center of your being.

”By the light of Lucifer, born of my desire for the attainment of becoming, open the gates of the dead to protect my very being spirit and flesh. Noctifer observe!”

Touch the forehead and recite:

“Ateh” (unto thee)

Facing the North, make the sign of the invoking pentagram averse, and envision the graves of the earth opening forth and encircling you, protecting you from all outside forms.

”By the light of Azazel, who brought to man and woman the knowledge of the serpent, attend my being in the protection of the kin of Witchblood!”

Touching the genitals recite:

“Malkuth” (the kingdom)

Facing the West, make the sign of the invoking pentagram averse, and envision the waters circling you, forming great tempests with serpents and dragons seeking to devour that which would attack you.

“By the call of Shemyaza may the hidden knowledge and protection be revealed. By the desire of my many forms shall be passed from the grave to life”

Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah (and the Power)

Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah (and the Glory)

Facing the South, make the sign of the inverse pentagram, symbolizing the matter of the flesh and the psyche which allows the spirit - god to emerge.

“Baraqijal, allow the stars to align with my everlasting protection! May the dead hear my call!”

Face now the altar:

Before me Lucifer;

Behind me Shaitan;

On my right hand Belial;

On my left hand Leviathan;

For about me flames the Pentagram,

And in the Column stands the seven-rayed Star of BABALON!

II. The Circle of the Dead

Upon the altar a pre-created Nganga should be with you (creation of ngangas involves the use of human and animal bones-called a fetish spirit- your blood, sigil, grave soil and snake skin. This nganga will contain active fetish spirits related to the dead. You will use items of the dead which may bring shades or manes of the dead which will allow you to form from your own desire demon servitors of protection. One may fuse animal remains with human to form half beast elementals, or shades that prove useful in defense .. Do not allow conversation of any kind with such created servitors, for that is the road of insanity. Command and Will and allow no argument or discussion with such spirits. Facing the nganga on the altar, take gravesoil and toss a small amount in the nganga.

Take then the vial of blood (of your own blood, nothing else.) and pour a small amount on the skull of bones within the nganga.

Take the wand, encircling counter-clockwise and intone:

“I summon the mighty dead from the spaces of silence from which the grave cradles. I give you life by blood and by soil, by the essence of my being. Emerge from your sleep of death and encircle my being, protecting my body as I dream and walk the web of night. As Thanatos I require your service, for we are bound by the laws of death.”

The shade will feed from your astral body while you dream, giving it nourishment to perform the duties of its creation. I have found such shades are forced away from the body when you arrive back in the flesh.

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The Calling to the First of Witch Blood
An Invocation of Cain

A short dedication to the Luciferian Sabbat and those seeking their own light within the gnosis of the Adversary. The initiation of the witch into the Circle of Cain, the living Son of Satan and Lilith, the great Harlot and Demoness, the Adversarial deific force of dark instinctual desire and willed continual existence.

With the pen inked in the blood of Abel do I scribe
Of when the blade fell I knew pain and a blindi ng heat
Of falling deep into my own created hell, of knowing a heaven
Of isolation and self-reliance…
Then this ecstasy of transformation.
The blood of my sh ell encircled me, and alone did I first summon
Forth my father of whom I knew by dream
Did that dragon come and ignite within,
My soul, my initiator
By giving20to the daemon did my eyes open anew.
I conjure thee, o wanderer who bears a black thorn stick
I adjure thee, who the blood of Abel did ignite your senses
Who lifted thee up into the flames of your father
In Iblis shadow did you awaken in the arms of Lilith, the Moon.
I summon thee, Cain of Old, whose words open the gates of hell
I invoke thee, Cain of the serpent skin, who is the first of witch blood
I conjure thee, Cain who is the earthly devil, who is the master of spirits
Encircle and awaken within my flesh, my blood, my mind.
By thy depths of which I walk herein shall I become reborn
In the Name and Mark of the Devil, whom I swear my spirit unto
I am myself the redeemer and bringer of the Infernal Pact
Which holds no bounds nor mortal strain,
Yet my desires shall be filled by the Eye within the blackened triangle
Of Cain and the Children of Rebellion, rise up with me
Of Cain and those going forth by night unto the infernal sabbat
Let the devil bless my name Hearken and remain, Satan be thy name…
Adversary – Opposer – Fornicator –Deceiver
All of which is my name
Body of shadow, Body of Light
Align in the Noon and by Moon lit night
So it just begins, life to never end
By flesh or spirit way, shall my mind remain..

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Calling Down The Moon and the Shades of Lilith

The Priestess should be robed in white or black, a sigil of Lilith or Babalon in between her breasts. The Priest should be adorned in a white robe as well ( black if desired). A Kangling (Human thigh bone trumpet or other instruments of bone) may be used to call the shadow forms on the astral plane, and a Kapala for the drinking of a specific elixer.

The Sabbatic casting of Circle is performed. Hands should be joined while envisioning the mighty dead arising to each of you, seeking company and nourishment.

Standing in the North the Priestess says:

Let us breathe of the air of Night.
But not just of air...
It is the shadows of the dead, and the light of the Moon,
Symbol of the Witch Queen
With our focused shells called bodies
So we breathe in and out.
And so does this Circle become a place
For our Lady's presence.
The Priest, standing to the South of the altar, and across from the Priestess, raises his arms, saying:
We are the children of the Moon.
We are born of shining light of Lucifer.
When the Moon brings down the eye of night =0 A
We see within it the Goddess...
And ourselves.

The Priestess addresses all in the circle:

We call within our minds, hearts and soul shall manifest accordingly everywhere, as we are the Serpent children of Cain, and thus in our spirits is the knowledge of the Dead and how they may arise to join us again.

Then raise your arms {in the Egyptian supplicant position} as the Priest calls on the ancient names. The Priestess stands in the pentagram position.

Priest: Hearken unto our call, Hecate! Lady of the Silver Bowl, Guardian of hidden knowledge!

Priestess: IO Hecate!

Priest: Hearken unto our call, Aradia! Beloved daughter of the Sun and Moon - Joined in blessed union!

Priestess: IO Aradia!

Priest : Hearken unto our call Queen Isis! Eternal Queen of the Immortals and walker of the rays of luna!

Priestess: IO Isis!

Priest: Hearken unto our call Davcina, Elder form of the Succubi gifted unto dreaming man!

Priestess: IO Davcina!

Priest : Hearken unto our call BABALON! Seven Pointed Star of Lust and Manifestation!

Priestess: IO BABALON!

Priest : Hearken unto our call Lilith! Queen of Night faring Beings and Queen of the Sabbath!

Priestess: IO Lilith!

After the salute the Priest motions for his Priestess , facing her. She feels herself at one with the Goddess as she holds out her arms in the Goddess {Isis} position as she gives the charge:

I am the Night Star that rises from the dark
and twilight Sea, the depths of the mind.
Dark Bringer of dreams, awakening of Manes.
Though I am known by many of a thousand names,
Yet the whole Earth doth
venerate Me and lust unto me.
I am Nature and the beauty of the
Green Earth, but also the blackest sea.
Mistress to all the elements.
Sovereign of the Shadows
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell,
Queen of the dead
Queen of the blessed dark immortals.
The Single Manifestation of All
Gods and Goddesses that Are.
Hearken unto My Words and look unto Me!
That I call unto thee and become a vessel for thy being,
do become again unto my very body!
And thus shall thy Spirit attain
To the deepest Mysteries of Life and Death.
And thus shall thine Inmost Divine Self be
enfolded in the ecstasies of the Infinite!
These things have I made Law by Will alone.
Enduring for the ages of time.

The Priestess pauses. She should feel that she is a vessel for the Witch Queen of the Moon, and that the Goddess speaks and acts through her. The Witch Queen (Priestess) may at this point bring the Kapala (Human Skull Cap) to her mouth and drink the contents. If blood is used, she may wish to pour it on her face and chest, symbolizing the great awakening of consciousness. At this point she may speak further, if the Goddess within her desires so. When she is finished, she will lower her arms and the Priest shall say:

Oh lovely and terrible Goddess of the Moon,
Beautiful unto the living and the dead
Gracious Lady, our thanks to Thee,
For coming to us from the depths!
The closing of the Circle.
So Mote It Be.

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The Shadowing Forth of Lucifer

Lucifer, the Pale Morning Star, Phosphorus-"The precursor of the full blaze of the noon-day sun" as Blavatsky so elegantly defined it, is the foundation of the basis of Magick. Magick itself means to "Ascend" towards the light of God. God itself defined as the individual self and the light of knowledge.

"The significant symbol of wisdom given to us by research is Lucifer, the bringer of light. Everybody is searching for perception, wisdom is a child of Lucifer. The Chaldean astrologers, the Egyptian priests, the Indian Brahmans; they are all children of Lucifer. Already the first man became a child of Lucifer when the20serpent taught him good and evil. What they got to know by perception was the sacred cosmic mystery. In front of it they kneeled in devotion. It was the light that showed their souls to their destiny. In devotion they received wisdom which became faith, religion. What Lucifer had brought to them, shined godlike in front of their psychic eyes.

Owing to Lucifer they had God. It means to disunite heart and mind if God is considered as Lucifer's enemy. Our educated don't raise the perception of the mind to religious devotion, they paralyze the enthusiasm of the heart. For those who are searching for the light of the spirit Lucifer shall be a messenger. He won't talk about a faith that is alien to perception. He won't flatter into the hearts to avoid the guardian of science: he shall respect him. He won't preach piety and divine bliss but will show ways for the knowledge to change into divine sensation, into the devotion of the cosmic spirit.

Lucifer knows that the radiant sun may only rise in the heart of the individual; but he also knows that only the paths of perception lead up to the mountain where the sun appears in his divine radiation. Lucifer is no devil leading the searching Faust to hell; he shall be an awaker of those who believe in knowledge who want to change into the gold of divine wisdom." -From Luzifer-Gnosis, Rudolph Steiner.

Notes on Lucifer

Lucifer stands on the threshold of Dawn and Dusk. The bringer of light, symbol of Thelemic strength and divine wisdom emerges. The age of Lucifer is the uprising of what Blatavatsky termed "Phosphorus", the cosmic force of illumination and light. Lucifer is the force of Air, while Satan the dual and corrupted form of the light bringer is of active fire. This duality is the changeable essence of progression and evolution. Lucifer emerges by name as the Roman "bringer of light", Lucem Fero. The carrier of the torch. A Gnostic God, the Holy bible mentions little of him besides the basis of origin:

"You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, until iniquity was found in you." -Holy Bible, Ezekiel.

Later on the Morning Star as is called became the Dragon and the Devil. Shaitan was the base for this materization, which means to oppose, to accuse. Lucifer was invariably the first rebel.

Lucifer is of the Spirit of Light, from which the foundation of Luciferic Magick is to ascend towards Godhead. The light of the spirit is based within perception and the clarity of an awakened self. Perception is the vehicle of knowledge and what the individual can understand. Christianity teaches the annihilation of perception and the repression of the awakened mind. The enthusiasm of the driven conscious charged with the bright Luciferian light; leads all individuals towards God itself.

Lucifer is the Fallen Angel of Light. Born strong in the light of the God spirit, his crown held the most beautiful jewels from the earth. His essence was of the Sun and divine wisdom and enlightenment shone throughout him. No other Angel or Seraphim was as bright as Lucifer.

As with all beings of light and Will, a great fire emerged within Lucifer. He sought to become as God, to rise towards Godhead. Thus the great rebel was born. Standing against the Holy Hierarchy, Lucifer gathered many of his fellow Seraphim, Leviathan, Belial, Astaroth, Asmodeus/Samael, Mephistopheles, Dagon, Sorath/Shaitan, Beelzebub and a host of others to stand in the light of selfgodhood and defy that which stood against individual phosphorus; the infinite possibility of existence.

A great battle ensued; Etheric and Astral bodies were devoured and torn from aggressive attacks. The Seraphim which sought the throne of God gave all under the flag of Lucifer. Nothing would stand in the way of individual freedom and the light of Godhood; nothing is the basis for destruction and the beginning of creation. The Morning Star was rising; Angelic hosts feared these bright beings. Finally the Holy Angel Michael (who will prove useful in healing Magick) and his great horde overpowered the Luciferian Spirits. They were cast from the gates of Heaven towards the Earth. Along with them fell the Nephilim. Descending, the spirits lost all perception of time and space; knowing the great loss=2 0that had occurred.

Lucifer awoke before the others. His crown, shattered; lost with the thronefight of Godhood was somewhere upon this earth. Lucifer stood erect, gathering his surroundings and sense of self. "I stand and emerge yet still, born of God yet unto only myself. The secrets of the universe shall be mine and the hidden light is destined." The other Angels still remained unconscious; threatening to enter the great abyss of non-form if such would remain for any period of time. "I call ye forth to awake and arise as yourselves, Gods in the light of Heaven. Hell is ours yet we must make a Heaven within ourselves. The universe is kind and all we shall ever need will be provided as long as we are here to take it. Stand up and join with me. The world can be ours under our light...Awake!"

The fallen seraphim began to r ise and take shape. They would scatter unto the various parts of the earth and abyss. From the Ashes must the Gods and Goddesses rise. Some descended further, some became as angels of light. Leviathan and Samael descended, Lucifer became an angel of light.

Belial would become an earth bound spirit who would transform into a Demon. Astaroth, wandering the earth on a great dragon. Leviathan, a daemon who became of the ocean and would exist simultaneously with the Astral Plane and the depths of the sea. Leviathan along with the other fallen angels became an ideal, a focus of strength whose power still remains within all of us. Awaiting the moment of becoming, these Daemonic atavisms exist on subconscious levels of the mind. The opening of such abyssic gates leads the psyche towards rising forth and becoming something of evolutionary progression.

Lucifer stands as the fountain head of Astral Magick; (i.e., Astral Projection, Dream Control, ect.) Lucifer is balance in the instance of both Shadow and Light, Blood Red and Jet Black. Lucifer is the colour of an awakened and enlightened mind. The Psyche which is open for magical inspiration.

Blavatsky understood the significance of balance within the individual, to ascend the individual from the beast like qualities so inherent within our subconscious. Blavatsky wrote "Thus it stands proven that Satan, or the red Fiery Dragon, the "Lord of Phosphorus" and Lucifer, or "Light bearer" is in us; it is our mind-our temptor and Redeemer, our intelligent liberator and saviour from pure animalism."

Asmodeus/Ahriman is the fountain head of Sorcery and earth based Black Magic. Asmodeus is the God of Black Witchcraft, Sorcery, Necromancy and diabolism. The balance of Asmodeus/Ahriman is to unite the materialistic flesh side of life with the spiritual, or Luciferic. Falling to either side could result in the destruction of the self. Black Magic is the focus of making the Psyche immortal, surviving Earth bound after death. Luciferic Magick is the focus of Astral projection and Holy Magick. Ascension is the primary goal, To rise towards Godhead.

The Rite of Lucifer was designed through my personal experience to affect the individual in several ways. Change is often reversible if the self is not on the same level as the rest. This translate that change must happen on every molecular level. The whole must be impacted from all sides.

Lucifer is to be absorbed and forgotten. The fall is simply the Seraphim descending into the flesh, the brain of the Sorcerer. Lucifer must be channeled into the spirit itself and become aligned with the Holy Guardian Angel for a unity to be complete. Productivity therefore rises and a strong sense of character is built even further. Individuals who attempt these rites must already be of sound mind as the dangers of such if failure occurs are far too real. Insanity, which is displacement and unbalance of the many selves that form one union are disrupted and madness overtakes the self. The Black Magician must be fully balanced in order to avoid the dangers that tempt even the most stable minded.

The Shadowing Forth of Lucifer occurs once the self absorbs and forgets the spirit. Further Atavistic Resurgence will summon Lucifer and the Fallen Angel shall become you in every way. This can be accomplished later once the spirit is called forth and through the death posture a re-alignment can be done. Consider absorbing spirits in a modern sense similar to downloading a program on your personal computer. Once this is done, to become a part of this spirit the many selves must in some way be connected. The spirit is forgot and sunk deep within the subconscious called the abyss. When the time has come for this spirit to rise and become fully a part of the self, the downloaded program can only work when the computer is shut down and restarted. The mind works in this capacity with regards to such. The spirit through the death posture will re align its self and the powers shall become at his or her demand to practice.

The many spirits of the Ascension of the Fallen operate in a similar manner except this is far more dangerous. Many other spirits are invoked and many are demonic energies which must be absorbed through Will and Control.

Aleister Crowley gave us the modern synthesis and foundation of Luciferian thought. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" and "Love is the law, love under will". Two statements which clearly set in motion the ascension of the seeking individual towards Godhead. In his poem, "Hymn to Lucifer" Crowley presents the bringer of light in a Thelemic aspect. No longer shall man be subservient to a religion which would destroy your foundation and right of personal choice.

Dogma is also a trap which can lead towards spiritual stagnation. Growth is necessary through the freedom of an open being, that through will power and focus can change take hold and run it's natural course.

The Luciferian individual is at heart a predator, however balancing action and thought with compassion and tolerance when such emotions are heart felt. A Thelemic individual is by definition free to decide the proper course of which his or her life would flow. Often, clubs, orders and other thought trapping devices will trick the individual into accepting a code and "uninformation" of like minds. This should be in progress only for the means of an end, a goal in which progression and individual evolution is plausible. If this is not so, what would be the difference between the organization minded Occult student and the Christian Church enthusiast?

The essence of Witchcraft in the current age seems slip and often unclear. Wicca presents nature in a beautiful and deeply moving semblance, which in itself, is not entirely the case. Nature is both beautiful, positive and light filled however also destructive, murderous, predatory and black. This is a significant balance point in which individuals should be aware, and able to reflect with balance. Wicca is a powerful tool for those ultimately kind at heart, who may weave Magick within their own life to a certain end. Dark Witchcraft, or Sabbatic Magick, is a balance of Light and Dark energies.

Witchcraft is a tool of the Luciferian spirit, and the God forms of Sabbatic Magick are very much akin to the self exploring individual seeking Godhead through Ascending. Sorcery is an extension of Witchcraft as they are based upon the powers of the earth associated with Water, Air and Fire. These together lead the individual towards a higher point of understanding and if properly worked, can lead towards Holy Magick.

Vampirism is a significant tool in human evolution because it places in perfect harmony the ever-changing self within natural balance. To ascend one must devour the energies that offer themselves. Vampirism holds its foundation in dream and myth, forming strongly in a conscious reality, as one may know it. Vampiric Sorcery is a dangerous Magick to control as it tests every point of mental strength one may have developed. If unbroken, can further strengthen the individual who would ascend to Godhead. One must delve the depths of the psyche (abyss) in order to balance the Holy Light. Thelema inadvertently supports and provides a significant foundation for the like-minded individual who seeks this light.

The Vampiric Sorcerer is not one who once the image of the self, the facade is stripped away, would simply vanish from lack of substance. The sorcerer would already have developed a strong body of light through Astral and Earth Magick and be emanating this force from within. Thus, the self man be still in constant change and flux however the physical appearance could be stripped away no matter what and the core be revealed even more so in this manner.

The Luciferian Character is successful in the method of Magick and Ascension once he or she would master both black and white magick. Chaos Magic is of interest in it's diversity, however one must go beyond such methods to train the self in Will and develop a strength of discipline which often ignored by many modern Sorcerers. Ascend through stamina and Willful direction, not mere impulse and unevaluated circumstance.

Egotism however is a possible flaw and over estimation of self. As the Luciferian is evolved and continues growing one must be in check with the ego. It should be understood that often the most humble will comprehend a greater knowledge of self. Crowley often defined "Black Brothers" as those who shut themselves off from the universe and the cup of Babalon, which is evolution. The sorcerer must realize that he or she is not necessarily more important than anything else, while at the same time be in full balance with the natural order and the survival of the psyche.

A black magician is by no means what Crowley defined as "black brothers". The essential study and practice of a sorcerer to ascend is significant in the point that the individual must grow with his or her studies, to become the topic therein. The self which is also known as "Kia" (Austin Spare's "The Book of Pleasure") should be explored on every possible level, understanding the founda tion for the conscious make up known as "I".

Lucifer exists in the core of every individual; it is "it's" gift to us. Those who awaken this individual light are blessed unto ourselves. Self-Godhood is the step towards spiritual immortality. Those who seek the platform of Adept in the Magickial Quest will inadvertently perceive the basis of the balance of light and darkness. The Angelic and the Demonic shall be united, Chaos will follow form and such is the genetic and psychic make up of the Adept.

The face of Lucifer has changed and formed into a plethora of disreputable images by the Christian psyche in modern times. The ideal message received on the astral should be, "I shall ascend" and not by chance, "I am of evil". Such doctrines of "evil" and "good" are excuses to not deal with the core of the individual. It is locking away the most dangerous, most powerful and most exciting part of the self. Once the shadow is brought into light shall a God or Goddess begin to emerge.

Lucifer stands for the balance of flesh and spirit. The ego or "I", constantly changing must continue to consciously manifest in a positive manner. As Aleister Crowley pointed out in the article entitled "The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic" (Published in The Goetia):

"The spirits of the Goetia are portions of the human brain. Their seals therefore represent (Mr. Spencer's projected cube) method of stimulating or regulating those particular spots (through the Eye).

(a) The names of God are vibrations calculated to establish control over the human brain.
(Establishment of the functions relative to the subtle world.)

(b) Control over the brain in detail.
(Rank or type of the Spirit.)

(c) Control of one special portion
(Name of the spirit)."

Control is the map of empowerment and Ascension. Once direction is assumed and confirmed, can such begin to take place in association with progression and evolution? This subtle point is based around the legend of Lucifer itself. In being cast forth from the heavens, one could only despair or revel in the freedom and self-respect that had been earned through defiance.

The Black Flame that exists in the core of the self has long sought to grow and illuminate the individual who was prepared to travel the fantastic path of selfillumination and Godhood. Ever woman and man have their own orbit, their own star to develop upon this earth. Nothing is rejected which develops integrity and self-strength of spirit.

Within the Sigil of Varcolaci, the image of the vampire is presented as a mark point towards self-evolution and Godhood. The Trapezoid sigil of Varcolaci opens the gates of the shadow side through Black Magic. The Varcolaci sigil was designed to manifest the essence of the Varcolaci vampire, the astral being that rose from the flesh of the sorcerer to ascend to the night sky. This is the evermorphing version of Lucifer, to eternally seek knowledge and the Faustian spark which ignites into the black flame. The inverse pentagram that the Varcolaci hold is the eye of Lucifer, Devilcosm that would glow with the divine light of self godhood. The inverse pentagram is itself symbol of exploring and controlling the dark side powers which exist within every man and woman. Christian attempts of labeling Lucifer as a God of Death only proves the extent of brainwashing which only mirrors their subconscious desire to be bound, that fragile and undeveloped flame to be extinguished.

Lucifer as being the Prince of the Powers of Air establishes this God form as the fountainhead of Astral Magick. The Varcolaci20Sigil or Devilcosm is the mirror of Lucifer, the bringer of light through Astral Projection and search of Balance of Knowledge. The applications of such Magick can be used in every facet of one’s' life. It is only limited by the imagination. "Ain Soph" indeed!

Aleister Crowley's patterns and formation of "Thelema" is based within the Luciferian principle. The bringing of light towards the individual, from which the Star may find its one unique path. "Do What thou Wilt shall be the Whole of the Law" from which none may deny thee. Such a brilliant system can be found in further developments of such tomes as "Magick in Theory and Practice", "The Book of the Law", "Thoth-Tarot" and such an edited work as "The Goetia". The map towards Godhead soon comes into clear and unadulterated focus. Perception is existent through the use of all senses available. Experience and knowledge is the Faustian key to the next step of evolution.

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A Book of the Adversary

Azothoz is a formula used specifically in the Golden Dawn and is a work combined from the first and final letters of the Latin, Hebrew and Greek Alphabet – Alpha & Omega, Aleph and Tau. This work symbolizes the Beginning and the End, the Dawn and Twilight, thus as AZOTHOZ is a reverse partly, signifying the Adversary. Azothoz is a poetic grimoire which sigillizes in lyric and image the essence of Set/Shaitan the Adversary, Lilith and the sorcerous path of Luciferian Witchcraft.

Azothoz contains an essay on Sethanic Witchcraft and the development inspired from various correspondences around Azazel, the Middle Eastern Fire Djinn who is regarded by practice as the initiatic spirit of sorcery. The Adversary in an initiatory context as it pertains to the Left Hand Path, the path of Non-Union with the subjective universe.

Part One of Azothoz is “The Throne of Twilight”, this poetic invocation is the Leviathanic Dance against the Sun and ensorcells the Vampyric and Shadow essence of not only the Sabbat, but the sorcerous invocation of Shaitan-LilithAzrael-Ahriman, the Infernal Spirits who reside over the Path itself. Part Two “The Lore of the Fallen” is a poetic-invocation of the Cunning Path, that of the Sabbat and Sethanic Gnosis of Lucifer and Cain, from which the Initiatic Fire is passed from Spirit to Spirit. The Spirit-Familiar of Austin Osman Spare, known as the Black Eagle is presented here as a guide by a sinistral (left way) sigillic formula, including an invocation chant and essay upon the shadow of this vampyric shade. Two formulas of the Sun and the Moon are given, which is a sigillized text of the Watchers of the Book of Enoch. The Grimoire ends with an invocation of Set the Adversary. Azothoz is beautifully illustrated by Elda Isela Ford, who captures the pictorial symbolization of the darker aspects of the sorcerous path.

Invocation of the Adversary

The followin g is a ritual which may be conducted when the Sun is at its full light, or when the Moon is full or dark, as the essence of Iblis be finally revealed. The purpose of the ritual is invoking the spirit of the Adversary, known as Shaitan/Iblis, Satan, Lucifer, Set, Azazel…

The sorcerer shall seek the fire-spirit of change, rebellion and progression. The symbol of Set the Adversary shall take the earthen form of the Devil, the solar creative (and destructive) force of change and self-deification.

There are two primary faces of the Adversary. The celebrant may construct as mask of two sides, which shall be placed upon the center of the altar.

One- The Fallen Seraph Lucifer, the angelick essence of the Black Flame, the very source of our wisdom, being and becoming.

Two – The Seraph of Flame, the Djinn Iblis of Fire, Daemon of the Blackened Flame, serpent – beast – dragon – wolf – goat. Satanas is the devil-cloaked initiator of the path of the wise, those who laugh at the warnings of a cringing society.

Robe thyself in crimson, the color of flame and movement. The symbol of the averse pentagram, being downward pointing to indicate the union of the fallen angels with humanity to create divinity. In the Sethian Witchcraft Current the sorcerer becomes as SET him/herself, thus in the circle the fir st of Witchblood unto the path.

Invocation of the Djinn of Fire
Ya! Zat-i-Shaitan!
O’ ring of flame, scorching sun of the sun’s height
Scorpion soul, who arises as the Sun at Noon
Sekak Sekak, Iasokilam
I speak now unto the Sun, from the fires of growth and illumination
That in your pride and knowledge of self may I become as
I summon your essence in this Noontide Hour, to the Scorpion Flame
Al-Saiphaz, Al-Ruzam,
At the point of the Crossroads, when the Sun is high I do speak thy words of power
Zazas, Zazas,
Nasatanada Zazas
Zrozo Zoas Nanomiala Hekau Zrazza
Sabai infernum
I shall transcend and ascend above all things, myself may only strengthen in this light
In this hour I illuminate, I burn with the glory of Luciferian Light – Within!
Above the Throne of Azothoz is the entering fire ring of Set-heh,
Adversary of the Nine Gates and Seven Points of the Dragon!
I go now between and beyond, within and without!
a! Zat-i-Shaitan!
By the Gate of the Black Light, when I name the words against the Sun
O’ Fire Djinn Azazel, Set-heh, I summon thee forth with=2 0Serpent’s tongue,
That my oath before this blackened flame, ignited within.
In the dreaming aethyr shall I be known in the wisdom of the Moon
Al Zabbat, Hekas Hekau, Serpent Soul do I summon
Raise now from thy Black Light, that I see what has been never known
Akharakek Sabaiz
I call forth the Shadow of which I am and have always been,
The darkness which I nourish in between the light
Eclipse now the face of God that I become in this darkened image
By this circle I do become
By the flame I do emerge
I am by form the Peacock Angel beauty revealed unto those who may see
As the Black Sun rises, I become in this emerald stone
I am the Imagination, the Seed of Fallen Angel
In darkness exists my Light
My Will gives birth to the kingdom of Incubi and Succubi, the nourish their desires
in the blood of the moon, Lilitu Az Drakul
So it is done!

The Ritual of the Adversary is a dual rite which explores, encircles and announces command over the entire approximation of self. While the rite is called for as one being conducted at both Noon and Midnight, the sorcerer may choose to conduct both the Noon (Light) and Midnight (Darkness) points at both hours, as an further focused point of ensorcelled energy may be raised. This is considering the embodiment of the self is within the perpetual mastery of the psyche in reference to the model of Shaitan. It is essential that the magician looses all perception of anything outside of the circle, that being enflamed and submerged in gnosis, the circle is the circumference of the sorcerers' world. That the ritual is a success is the subjected 'turning the knife towards oneself' in the area of self-directed and willed energy. The Ritual of the Adversary, in conjunction with the Lord's Prayer Averse (used in certain Luciferian Covens to summon the DevilCain) provides a powerful foundation for self-deification in the Witches Sabbat Gnosis.

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Midnight’s Circle
A Commentary of AZOTHOZ – A Book of the Adversary

AZOTHOZ presents in poetic form the antinomian concept of separation from the natural order. This is clear throughout the various grimoires such as NOX UMBRA, BOOK OF CAIN, YATUK DINOIH, GOETIA (Luciferian Edition), and The TOAD RITE. Azothoz is actually a strong foundation from which these works arose. As written as lyric and poem form, the original praxis of the spiral force is not only directed inward, it is invoked in the circle of being. As some may have studied, Aleister Crowley has placed significant focus on the Spiral Force, the traveling point of magickal energy.
The same ma y be stated in the Antinomian practice of Left Hand Path Magick, it is the spiral force from below (darkness) which ascends through the body (self) towards the Luciferian Realms (Light).
A good point of focus may be the planet Saturn, which holds two octaves which is a lower and higher. The opposing force resides in both octaves, the lower being Satanas = rebellion, adversity, fire and the destructive power of the Sun. The lower is the demonic, being the fall from the light to taste the wisdom of darkness. The higher octave is Lucifer, the Angel-Serpent which brings wisdom to mankind. Lucifer is known in the Sabbat and Luciferian Witchcraft lore as among other names, Azal’ucel, being a sigillic word-manipulation of Azazel and Lucifer. The face of the Dragon-serpent is indeed an Angel (Angels are described as Higher articulations in man) who brings the gift of the Black Flame to us, Spirit and intelligence.
“It is the ecstasy of the in-between that led to the path unseen” -Azothoz by Michael W. Ford
In working with the Adversary, one must be focused on the Great Work of Becoming like Lucifer, thus keeping by Will developing in the Higher Octave, being the Luciferian Sabbat– the ecstasy of the Light of Iblis, the very Knowledge and Communication of the Holy Guardian Angel or Angelic Familiar. This is the essence of the Great Work, the bare root or essence of what the focus of Black Magick and Luciferian Witchcraft/Sorcery entails.
A study of the Janus-Headed Adversary is essential in the context of the Sabbatic/Luciferian Path as well as others. In the Brotherhood of Saturn the God of the Saturnian Sphere is Baphomet – Temohpab, being a Angel-Demon of both a positive and negative side. In AZOTHOZ, Lucifer is the Baphometic Spirit which presents in lyrical prose the sides of the Adversary, in terms of Sethanic (of SET) Witchcraft and the Left Hand Path. Set is presented in AZOTHOZ as the Egyptian Godform of Chaos, Darkness and Storms. He is in this sigillic mask the initiator and tester, the opposer and flame giver. It is indeed the mask of Set which was given unto his bride, Lilith, to spawn CAIN, the first sorcerer and initiator of Witchblood.
As written in Azothoz
“Lilith came unto the Prince of Darkness whom found the shores of the Red Sea in passion and nocturnal lust knew the passions of man and woman thus children of this infernal union born”
This represents the formula of Sex Magick within a Left Hand Path perspective. They (Samael/Lucifer & Lilith-Awlraun) join in their circle of flame at the shores of the Red Sea to copulate and breed Daemons. The significance of the Red Sea is the point of the Ocean from which Leviathan arises, thus Leviathan the coiling dragon (the CIRCLE) brings the Lucifer and Lilith in Sexual Congress, by Will they create the first born of Witchblood = Cain. This is mirrored by the initiate who is able by the solitary act to bring in union both the masculine (Lucifer/Samael) and the daemonic feminine (Lilith) to spawn Cain (the united Self, the Adversary in flesh, Baphomet).
In the Circle of Midnight does the self invoke the shadow of the Adversary; it is the u nion of the Daemonic Spirit or True Will with the sorcerer. In this process, the passing and invocation of power brings the initiate in the passing of Witchblood. Azothoz is the word which brings the self to the fall and then to discover in the darkness the Black Flame within, the very gift of Iblis. It is the idea of this word, spoken in silence by the sorcerer or witch, to encircle the self in the Holy Fire of Samael and Lilith, those who rebelled from the Natural Order (Right Hand Path = death of being) to bring man and woman intelligence, being known as the Black Flame. The magician speaks the word of making to become as a God himself; Cain is born from the union of the Dragon and Harlot.
The illustrations of Azothoz provide a powerful interplay between the invocations and the placement of the actual drawings in the tome. There are 13 illustrations of the grimoire, each holding a focus of the Luciferian Gnosis is some way or another. “The Spirit of Azothoz” beholds the Eye of Set or Saturnus, the Adversary. This eye is surrounded by Flame, and is at first glance a serpent’s eye. This is the wisdom driving sigil of the discovery=2 0of dreaming and waking knowledge, that which lies hidden. “Iblis” is a powerful sigillic drawing which interplays with the 6th section of the poem, the descending dragon-angel which is Azazel, or Lucifer. This Adversarial Spirit is shown with Angelic traits (the upper which falls from the Sun) to the Demonic (which descends but then reaches towards the Light again). It is a process of coming into being as the Adversary, horned and crowned in the Midnight Sun, thus emerging Shaitan of Midnight. The 17th and 18th section of the poem displays the “Alphabet of Desire” which presents the language of making and the subconscious spells made flesh. The sigils are aligned within two Trapezoids crowned by Cain the Adversary and the Apep – Demon of Chaos, surrounded by sigillic formulas of Antinomian Self-Deification; the making of the Luciferian Mind through Solitude and Isolation. This is a process of developing the self through the Mark of Cain and the declaration of separation from the Natural Order. This allows the magician to grow without outside and society crippling dogma.
The Sigillic Drawings of Lilith and Samael-Asmoday (a mask of Shaitan-Iblis) are the separate initiators of the path, Lilith who comes as the vampyric – succubi and the Moon dwelling force of water and earth, via the North Winds (symbolic of Darkness). Shaitan-Samael, the Dragon-Angel comes enfleshed as a beautiful figure which holds two skulls, one Wolf-like and one of a Goat – this is the Sexual Formula of the Sun entering the Moon, thus Shaitan’s direction is South and East, depending on his representation, being of Wisdom or Fire (Two Octaves of Saturn, the Higher and Lower).
The other illustrations are equally important and play a direct correlation between text and image, thus being a grimoire which plants a seed in the reader, as one widdershins forward via magickal development the Adversary awakens via the Black Flame.
A section in “The Throne of Twilight” mentions an Atavistic Resurg ence concept which was propagated to some extent by Austin Osman Spare.
“Humanity carried the knowledge of the Beast which angels sought to possess”
This refers to the Fall and how Lucifer sought to invoke the dragon and beast within his being, thus joining in union the Sun with the Moon. The practitioner of the Art Magical.
Is one who seeks the Knowledge and Conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel or Luciferian Ang el, but also to enflesh the Bestial Aspects of his being, thus developing the Shadow and the Light aspects of his being. This is the Great Work, through isolation in the antinomian path does the Luciferian Sorcerer come forth and recreate himself/herself as a God.
“The Lore of the Fallen” was written as a Witch cult invocation of the self bringing in union the ghostfires of shades of the dead with the Witches Sabbat and Luciferian Point of Becoming. The illustrations present direct interplay of this process, the dynamic in motion. While the illustrations do not represent the end point, but rather the self in this motion, ever flowing towards the higher articulation of being.
As AZOTHOZ deals with the magickal transformation of being, the ensorcelment of self in the circle of Cain and Lilith, the further exploration of the Watche rs are given in the tracts THE SUN and THE MOON. Each presents the developmental process of the Witchblood propagated by the Watchers who in spirit and dream bring knowledge to those who may invoke them.
The Invocation of the Black Eagle as propagated by Austin Spare presents a powerful nightside formula of image and concept which holds the sorcerer in isolation. One should seek the Black Eagle in dream, in those areas not conceptually noted from which shadows may hide. It is the Initiatic Guide which grants the knowledge of the darkness in the self. The focus and essence of Azothoz lies in dreaming, how this may relate to the individual and what omens are presented.
Hidden in the gnosis of Azothoz is the embrace of the Sun, the solar and life giving illumination, but also the scorching and fire influenced spirit of Sorat/Shaitan/Set , which is the core essence of the isolated spirit of the Adept. Equally the Moon and Night (Darkness) is the gnosis which must be explored through the dreaming essence of Lilith – Az, the emotional, instinctual and sorcerous path. It is the direct transition and embodiment of the adept in the Antinomian Left Hand Path concept. It is essential to balance both, as one feeds the other, be it masculine and feminine qualities. The union of the Sun and the Moon defines the essence of being, thus separates by Will the isolate consciousness of the Adept.

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*Novel Written by: Michael Ford*
*Page Created by: BeautifulEnlightenment*

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